Level cap increase April 2nd! Pearlescent Weapons too!

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#1 Sun, 03/24/2013 - 14:06
StrikeZ's picture
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Level cap increase April 2nd! Pearlescent Weapons too!

Thrd Playthrough and cap increase!  Just got this on the twitter machine.

@GearboxSoftware: Who's excited for the Borderlands 2 level cap increase releasing April 2? We're cranking it up by 11, adding a third playthrough and more!

Sun, 03/24/2013 - 14:17
StrikeZ's picture
Last seen: 9 years 6 months ago
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During a panel at PAX East today, Gearbox revealed that Borderlands 2’s level cap will be raised on April 2nd for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC players. The cap will add 11 new levels (bringing the total to 61) and will be free to Season Pass holders (or $4.99 for everyone else).
Along with the level raise, Gearbox will also be adding a new weapon tier: Pearlescent. Pearlescent weapons were previously seen in the original Borderlands and will be the rarest loot in Borderlands 2.
On April 2nd, Gearbox will also offer a new mode called Ultimate Vault Hunter’s Mode as a free update to all players regardless of whether they’ve purchased the level cap raise. The mode will be available to anyone who has beaten True Vault Hunter Mode and reached level 50 and will have enemies scaled to the highest level in your party.
Gearbox emphasized that the level cap upgrade is not the final piece of the Borderlands 2 season pass and that a fourth campaign is still set to arrive before the end of June. More information on the level cap increase will be announced before its release next week.
Elsewhere in the panel, Gearbox also revealed a new playable character named Krieg.
Tue, 03/26/2013 - 05:57
wilderz's picture
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I'll be a vault-hunting fool once again starting next week!  Looking forward to the level cap, new guns, and character.  Since they are adding a new level of weapons, I wonder if they've made it easier to come across legendaries now?    Either way I'm pretty excited.  This game and Skyrim are probably the only two games I have that keep me coming back for more long after the purchase.

Tue, 03/26/2013 - 10:23
TANK's picture
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Shitty that they're launching this the saem day Defiance launches.

Tue, 03/26/2013 - 12:42
GbHaseo's picture
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Defiance is looking to be great, I'm loving the beta!

Thu, 03/28/2013 - 15:53 (Reply to #5)
StrikeZ's picture
Last seen: 9 years 6 months ago
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Exciting changes are coming to Borderlands 2 on April 2, 2013!
As you may have heard, the team has been hard at work to raise the level cap -- an effort that required re-balancing, re-tuning and re-testing the entire game -- along with adding a third playthrough, more ammo upgrades, additional backpack slots and more!
Here's what players on PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 can expect that day:
Changes in 4/2 Software Update (Free)
Adds new items to the Black Market:
One additional ammo upgrade for each ammo type, at 50 Eridium each.
Two more backpack storage space upgrades, at 50 and 100 Eridium respectively.
Two more bank storage space upgrades, at 50 and 100 Eridium respectively.
Increases the maximum amount of Eridium players can hold from 99 to 500.
Adds a new playthrough balanced for top-tier play: Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode.
Various bug fixes.
Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack 
(Free with Season Pass, $4.99 / 400 Microsoft Points separately)
Raises level cap to 61, allowing characters to gain 11 additional levels.
Characters gain a skill point with every level from 51 to 61, for a total of 11 more skill points.
Powerful new "Ancient" E-Tech relics and rare Pearlscent-grade weapons can be picked up in Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode.
Thu, 03/28/2013 - 16:58
TANK's picture
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All sounds good, i'd saved a lot of side missiosn and DLC though thru the game in anticipiation of the level cap.  So i may not even need to replay the game for a 3rd time to get to 61.  But i can't see returning to the Borderlands until the 4th campaign expansion drops at the earliest, i'll be too wrapped up in Defiance, playing a brand new game instead of the same game for yet another go-thru.

Thu, 03/28/2013 - 17:06
StrikeZ's picture
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I think to get to higher level weapons you will need to be in the Ultimate play through.  I have no clue what Defiance is, so it is not on my radar.

Fri, 03/29/2013 - 06:09
wilderz's picture
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I'll be your huckleberry next week strike!

Fri, 03/29/2013 - 10:14
TANK's picture
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Defiance is Borderlands just done MMO style really is about the best way i can describe it.

Fri, 03/29/2013 - 14:57
StrikeZ's picture
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Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode Details
Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode is unlocked for a character once they have completed the main story missions in True Vault Hunter Mode and reached level 50.
Unlike other playthroughs, Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode can be replayed multiple times with players able to reset their overall mission progress at any time from the Main Menu.
No more tutorial missions -- characters in Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode begin in Southern Shelf with the "Cleaning Up the Berg" mission.
While playing in Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode, enemies and bosses will scale according to the player's current level or, if playing with others, the highest-level player in that party.
Gameplay changes in UVHM:
Enemy health generally increased 4x.
Enemies now have a moderate amount of health regeneration.
Increased duration of slag damage multiplier effect.
Upped the damage that slagged enemies take from 2x to 3x.
Weapon swap speed increased to better facilitate slag use.
Enemies now more likely to drop ammo.
Loot Midgets are now "Legendary Loot Midgets" that can drop Legendary and other top-tier gear.
Sat, 03/30/2013 - 01:18
GbHaseo's picture
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Yeah, the multiplayability is a nice touch, I hate not being able to do anything during my second playthrough so I can save every quest reward for 50. I mentioned Defiance because TANK mentioned it as well. It's the first MMO to hit the Xbox 360 since FFXI came out in 2003. It's a huge project that's even launching alongside a TV show, the beta was really fun, and the updated version I saw looked even better, so I'm super hyped.

Mon, 04/01/2013 - 17:21
StrikeZ's picture
Last seen: 9 years 6 months ago
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Lots of fixes - no more thieving rats in Petes.  Evil Smasher buff fixed and may more.



4/2/2013 Update 
Added a new playthrough called Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode, unlocked for a character once they have completed the main story missions in True Vault Hunter Mode and reached level 50!
In this mode, you will always start in Southern Shelf at Cleaning Up the Berg and may reset your playthrough progress as often as you like without losing any items, levels, or stats. All enemies are significantly more difficult in this playthrough, but the loot quality has increased accordingly. Rumor has it there is an entirely new rarity of loot out there for high-level players.
Added new items to the Black Market:
One additional ammo upgrade for each ammo type, at 50 Eridium each.
Two more backpack storage space upgrades, at 50 and 100 Eridium respectively.
Two more bank storage space upgrades, at 50 and 100 Eridium respectively.
Increased the maximum amount of Eridium players can hold from 99 to 500.
Fixed a bug that was causing some users to crash on startup or when loading into a level after choosing their character.
Fixed a bug where profiles would refuse to save when they were already corrupted on startup.
Fixed a bug where profile restoration code would sometimes trigger inappropriately.
Deathtrap can no longer restore an enemy's shields, even though it was hilarious.
Fixed a bug that could cause hosts to become invulnerable if they were being revived by a client who disconnected mid-revive.
Fixed an issue that could cause players to crash or freeze when fighting BNK-3R.
Fixed a bug that could cause Deathtrap's Robot Rampage audio to not stop playing after killing an enemy until Deathtrap despawned.
Fixed a bug that could stop the Gunzerker's Keep It Piping Hot skill from functioning as intended.
Covered an area of the world near Claptrap's ship where the player could fall in and be unable to get out.
Fixed an issue where a Siren could revive a player and make another player invulnerable under specific circumstances.
Addressed instances of audio distortion tied to Axton's turret and kill skills.
(Mr. Torgue DLC) Critical hits against Midgets now register properly.
(Mr. Torgue DLC) Rat Thief enemies are no longer allowed in Pete’s Bar due to patron concerns regarding excessive theft.
(Captain Scarlett DLC) Fixed an issue with the "Shady Dealings" challenge where a purchase could sometimes not count toward its completion.
(Sir Hammerlock DLC) Fixed a bug that could cause networking issues when players are killed by being run over by fanboats.
Fixed an issue where players could be unable to interact with the menu when a mission that granted experience but not items was completed and not handled by the player before saving and quitting.
Fixed an issue where players could cause the round to not fail in a Slaughter mission if a surviving player disconnects while all others are out.
Fixed issues with the following missions that could cause players to get stuck or not be able to complete them:
Wildlife Preservation
Medical Mystery
(Captain Scarlett DLC) Let There Be Light
(Mr. Torgue DLC) Eat Cookies and Crap Thunder
(Sir Hammerlock DLC) Thermitage is now friendlier and will no longer refuse to come play with some players.
(Sir Hammerlock DLC) Arizona no longer refuses to spawn if players are too far away.
(Sir Hammerlock DLC) Fixed a bug causing Dexiduous the Invincible's health bar appearing incorrect on clients.
Fixed a bug where players were able to do far more damage than intended by exploiting a buff from the Evil Smasher.
Clients are now able to see explosions caused by Norfleets in multiplayer.
Fixed an issue causing Relics to sometimes not show the Favorite indicator.
Fixed an issue that caused E-tech weapons to not be able to hit the Mechromancer's 'One Two Boom' orb.
Seraph Gear from Captain Scarlett and Mr. Torgue DLC re-balanced to be more powerful.
Fixed class mods that increase the skill grade of Axton's Metal Storm, Onslaught and Quick Charge skills to function as intended.
Fixed an exploit involving Vladof rocket launchers that could result in having infinite ammo for any weapon.
Fixed an issue where weapon cards would sometimes not display how many bullets they consumed per shot.
Mechromancer's Prodigy class mod now correctly increases reload speed.
Fixed an issue causing impact sounds from users with The Bee shield to not be audible on clients.
Adjusted Mechromancer’s Sweetheart class mod to correctly increase team health.
Assassin’s “Slayer of Terramorphous” class mod no longer includes Gunzerker skill bonus.
(Mr. Torgue DLC) Torgue vending machines can now stock legendary weapons above level 48.
Chere-amie sniper rifle and transfusion grenades no longer cause audio distortion.
Assigned price to Anshin 'Evolution' shield so that players can sell it for money if desired.
Fixed a bug causing head customizations from the Mr. Torgue DLC to not unlock properly for Sirens and Mechromancers.
Fixed a bug that caused off-hand weapons to sometimes deal improper damage while Gunzerking.
Addressed an issue where shotguns did not receive full damage boosts from skills and gear.
Fixed a bug which could cause a player to lose inventory when swapping items with a full bank or stash while having a full inventory.
Thu, 04/04/2013 - 10:47
TANK's picture
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Wow that's a lot of bug fixes.  Sucks that now we don't have bee shield or evil smasher for quick farming Terra for E.  I'm sure other glitches will pop up with the pearl guns, just a matter of time.

Sat, 04/06/2013 - 10:32
StrikeZ's picture
Last seen: 9 years 6 months ago
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I finally got time in ultimate mode.  It is a good challenge.  A new bandit called scavenger is tough and picks up drops.  

Slag is very important.  It last longer and it weakens enemies.  

I only took my soldier to 3 Horns.  But every battle was tough.  I am getting a rhythm of drop guns and slag. I would still find times the bandits will take out my shield and chew away my health very quickly.  

This play through will be fun!  I can't wait for the first over 50 legendary drop.

Sun, 04/07/2013 - 06:46
wilderz's picture
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I  Played a bit with LocGaw earlier in the week, and were both in fight for your life several times.  It's pretty hard, but a welcome challenge.  Going to be on a lot today, so if I see you, I will jump in.

Tue, 04/09/2013 - 11:54
LocGaw's picture
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It did get hairy quickly multiple times. We were ok as long as we could keep them contained. Once we got surrounded those couple times fighting the bloodshots it got hairy. If you cordinate like we were, one guy zapping away shields and the other blazing with fire we were putting them down good. Some of the badass mobs were taking over 2100k damage and not dropping(they were messed up badly though).


We should try to get Cryonic + Stike into a game this weekend and try to blitz through some levels. The 4 of us should be able to steam roll through levels.

Tue, 04/09/2013 - 19:51
StrikeZ's picture
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I jumped in Wildez game Sunday morning.  He was AFK.  I had some fun keeping him alive whil fighting waves of bandits.  I left after around 15 minutes.  He was still alive and everything settled down.  I definitely see the huge difference slagging makes with this update.

I just did the Firehawk mission, still level 52 and have not found a single weapon that would make me abandon one of the level 50 legendaries.  But the legendary 50's are not hitting the level 53's I am facing that hard.  I know I wil be using some keys soon.

Wed, 04/10/2013 - 05:46
wilderz's picture
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Sorry Strike!  I hear ya, I'm rolling with conference calls for every element, and it's taking awhile to get some of those guys down.  I've got 11 keys or so saved up, and will probably crack that chest a couple times pretty soon.

Wed, 04/10/2013 - 11:05
LocGaw's picture
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You guys down to run Saturday? Maybe sometime in the afternoon?

I think we need to push into the game some for some loot chances.

Wed, 04/10/2013 - 16:29
StrikeZ's picture
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I got plenty of keys (I think 30).  We will need to  push in to get some loot.  But pushing forward is a challenge with level 50 weapons.  A few chest pops and some cloning and we can catch up with the game.  Maybe make a push into Torque to see what the gold machine is pushing out.  A leveled up pocket rocket would be great.

Wed, 04/10/2013 - 17:13
wilderz's picture
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I just used the 11 keys I had, and got nothing but a cool shield, and a decent grenade mod. My daughter's birthday is Saturday, so will find out when the party is ad let you guys know when I'll be on.
Wed, 04/10/2013 - 18:49 (Reply to #22)
StrikeZ's picture
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We are having people over Saturday night so hopefully we get some playing time in.

Thu, 04/11/2013 - 05:49
wilderz's picture
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Daughter's birthday pary is from 11-1pm.  I will be home around 2-ish EST.

Thu, 04/11/2013 - 07:06
LocGaw's picture
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I still need to get a hold of Cryonic. I will give him a call after work. Maybe Sunday is better? I got nothing going on all weekend except down time! I just want to jam out with some peeps.

Thu, 04/11/2013 - 09:10
wilderz's picture
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I will be available after 10:30 on Sunday morning
Thu, 04/11/2013 - 17:07
StrikeZ's picture
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I will be on Sunday AM too.

@GearboxSoftware: Xbox 360 SHiFT Code for a Golden Key in Borderlands 2: 5BKBB-RXKHW-3THBR-CFT3T-J963H [Active through 4/14]

Fri, 04/12/2013 - 05:57
wilderz's picture
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You guys going to be on tonight at all?  Friday is usually my chill night when I can swill a few beers, eat some pizza, and play some games.  I'll probably be on 7:00pm EST at the latest.

Fri, 04/12/2013 - 08:15
LocGaw's picture
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I will probably be shot after work... I am working Saturday AM so I will probably be in bed early tonight. It is a vicious circle, got to sleep early -> So I go to work earlier -> so I get out earlier -> so I can sleep earlier... lol



Cryonic will be on most of the weekend. I am sure we

Fri, 04/12/2013 - 09:55
StrikeZ's picture
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I got my first over 50 legendary.  It is a 52 Bonus Package.  I am about to hit 53 and I may be on tonight.

Fri, 04/12/2013 - 11:38
LocGaw's picture
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Cry has already capped out one of his toons. What a fink. :)

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