Level Cap increase delay?

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#1 Wed, 02/13/2013 - 10:20
TANK's picture
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Level Cap increase delay?

Soooo Randy's gone from saying 'by end of March' to 'sometime this year'  O_o  ....  Goes on to whine about how 'hard' it is to do.


Gearbox President Randy Pitchford has been less than excited about raising the level cap on Borderlands 2 in the past, saying that raising the level 50 limit on the title might just "break the game." But as hard as the task will be, Pitchford has confirmed Gearbox will do it, predicting on Twitter a "100% chance" that we'll see a level cap increase this year.

He then goes on to admit that he's only "50\50 on unforeseen consequences that some people will rage about." Obviously, by definition, we can't foresee those, but Pitchford says there's no end of possible issues to the game, from skill tree balance to leveled-up enemies to even things like shotgun shell counting. One bug in the game, Pitchford says, applied a shotgun bonus to every single bullet in a shotgun blast rather than just the gun in general.

"Sometimes we trap ourselves. We get painted into corners on things. It's tricky," Pitchford said in an interview with VentureBeat. "But we're committed to it." So yes, expect the chance to level up past 50 in Borderlands 2 sometime this year.



Wed, 02/13/2013 - 11:15
EVILCLAW's picture
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Well, ...I may just play BL2 again sometime this year.

Thu, 02/14/2013 - 05:58
wilderz's picture
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Kinda bummed about this news.  I was hoping next month for sure.  Oh well.  I still got Farcry 3 to finish up.

Thu, 02/14/2013 - 12:07
Snuphy's picture
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I don't suppose "unforeseen circumstances" also includes Aliens:  Colonial Marines?

Thu, 02/14/2013 - 12:37
LocGaw's picture
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I don't know, maybe trade this in for Colonial Marines? Oh, shit... I forgot building the gaming computer has blown my budget for buying new 360 games.

Seriously, raising the level cap would add a lot of extra replay for me. This was a big title for me and I really enjoyed it. I played through the story/expansions 3 times. 


This guy has really been sounding like a douche. I can't stand these guys. This game isn't art. It is beers and dick jokes. Pour me another beer and tell me another dick joke...

Thu, 02/14/2013 - 16:39 (Reply to #5)
Snuphy's picture
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LocGaw wrote:
Pour me another beer and tell me another dick joke...
This has the makings of a good pick up line.  Or bumper sticker.

At this point I’d be kinda surprised if they raise the cap before they release the last dlc.  I’d think they’d want to give us the opportunity to pay for more playability before they hand it out for free.

Fri, 02/15/2013 - 05:42 (Reply to #6)
wilderz's picture
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LocGaw wrote:

I don't know, maybe trade this in for Colonial Marines?


That game got horrid scores.  I think the only redeeming thing I've heard about it is the mp mode where it's xenomorphs against marines in a Left For Dead Scenario.  Tank had a write-up in the shooter forums about it.

Thu, 02/14/2013 - 17:07
TANK's picture
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I would say at this point the 4th dlc will come without the level cap, that's what it's all sounding like to me.  But i don't underand why they won't raise the damn storage capacity of the stashes.  Let us spend E on BDUs, at least it would give us something useful to buy with all that extra E.

Fri, 02/15/2013 - 10:27
TANK's picture
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Ya the only thing good about A:CM it seems is the Escape mode which is an Aliens vs Humans L4D style multiplayer and it is fun, but you can only play it on 2 maps, a huge blunder in my opinion.  The game's not worthy of my $60 personally, maybe when I can pick it up for 20 bucks i'll check it out.  Gearbox seems to have consistancy problems, BL1 was awesome, Duke sucked ass, BL2 was awesome, A:CM sucked ass.  I guess you just buy every other title Gearbox puts out.


What I want to know is WTF was gearbox working on if it wasn't A:CM, because they farmed out all the BL2 DLC so they weren't working on that.

Sun, 02/24/2013 - 20:40 (Reply to #9)
GbHaseo's picture
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TANK wrote:

Ya the only thing good about A:CM it seems is the Escape mode which is an Aliens vs Humans L4D style multiplayer and it is fun, but you can only play it on 2 maps, a huge blunder in my opinion.  The game's not worthy of my $60 personally, maybe when I can pick it up for 20 bucks i'll check it out.  Gearbox seems to have consistancy problems, BL1 was awesome, Duke sucked ass, BL2 was awesome, A:CM sucked ass.  I guess you just buy every other title Gearbox puts out.


What I want to know is WTF was gearbox working on if it wasn't A:CM, because they farmed out all the BL2 DLC so they weren't working on that.


Yeah, after ACM got hit hard by reviews, Gearbox came out officially and said the only thing they touched was the MP, and the SP was actually made by 5 or 6 different companies over the course of 5 years..yes 5 years this game was in development. So it's no wonder it was horrible, I've been super pissed about spending $60 on that game. I can't get anyone in my area to even give me $20 for my copy :( Randy's really been getting out of hand the past 3 months, between his whining, his cockiness, his lying, he's turning into a dick.

There's actually been a lot of leaks saying, that Gearbox used the money given to them by SEGA on Borderlands 2, but now Randy said the other day on twitter, that it was the other way around. That the Borderlands series paid for the ACM game, but considering the game that came out, I'm having a hard time believing him. Especially when he's still defending the game.


Also, to whoever asked about the cache issues, Randy has actually stated that increasing the storage cache is actually extremely difficult to do, and they didn't see that problem coming. I don't think they'll ever fix it to be honest, Randy stated months ago he was looking into a way to make Eridium useful after maxing your capacities and that's yet to happen either.

Fri, 02/15/2013 - 12:02
LocGaw's picture
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That is a shame. Alien is a storied franchise.

Mon, 02/25/2013 - 17:17
TANK's picture
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Randy needs to be careful what he says because lawsuits could start flying around between sega and gearbox depending on what funds were used for what or how concractual obligations might not have been lived up to.  I dunno... i personally wouldn't be surprised to see such news in the coming weeks.

But I don't see how it's so difficult to increase storage capacity.  Hackers have done it already by editing the gamesave file and giving themselves 999 inventory slots.  It works now.  The only thing that gets goofy is the scrolling thru the inventory sometimes doesn't work that great but that seems like a minor thing ot figure out how to fix.  I personally thing he's full of shit when itcomes to inventory storage capacity increases.

Tue, 02/26/2013 - 11:57
Slater's picture
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This does not surprise me at all. The industry execs have 2 goals in mind regarding games. 1.)Sales of New Games/DLC and 2.) killing the used market to drive more of #1. Part of their multipronged approach to killing the used market is to keep gamers from trading in or selling the game when they are done. The trick is convincing the gamers they are not done with DLC + new features so gamers will hold on to thier game for much longer. Ideally to the point the new game is more attractive price wise than the used + online pass and they can generate more new game sales. In the case of BL2, people keep playing thinking that the cap will be increased and possibly the new DLC will be amazing. I think Randy is just doing a bad job of stringing gamers along.

On the flip side if you are playing BL2 because it is fun, then none of that really matters.

Tue, 02/26/2013 - 12:16
LocGaw's picture
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I think Randy has done a great job of stringing gamers along. That is why poeple are upset. With the same issues in game as BL1, BL2 has proved this dev is not going to improve their product.

When this sort of thing was done with Fable, people just came to expect it by the third episode.

One thing is for sure, the game was a blast to play with friends.. Cheesy expansions just kinda soured the experience of an absolutly fantastic initial product.

Thu, 02/28/2013 - 15:56
TANK's picture
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Right now you only need three weapons now anyway, the Marcus Smasher, Infinity Pistol and a Tesla grenade.  You can kick ass from one end of the game to the other :lol:

Thu, 02/28/2013 - 21:17
GbHaseo's picture
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Randy posted today on his twitter that the level cap increase may not be out by the end of the 1st Quarter a.k.a. the end of March like they announced, and it may not be free like they announced in that same article either. When asked on whether or not the increase will come by the end of March and whether or not it will be free, he replied "We'll see, it's turned out to be a huge amount of work."

I have a feeling he's wanting to charge, hence why this past month he's been making comment after comment about just how "incredibly hard" this level cap increase is and why it's been delayed so long. A level cap increase can't possibly have been this difficult to do, on top of this, now they're busy trying to fix the fuck up that was A:CM. Honestly, if I was Randy I'd just give up on that piece of crap.

Fri, 03/01/2013 - 10:32
EVILCLAW's picture
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Its not like the level cap increase is brand new to them,they did in BL1.He's just blowing smoke to cover the fact that your going to pay for it.I think this was their strategy before they even started working on BL2,when they realized how much more $$$ they could wring out of us.
Fri, 03/01/2013 - 10:38
TANK's picture
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I don't pay for things when i've been told they'll be free to sting me along and then try and get some money out of me later.  If they charge for it, i'll just finish out DLC4 and achievements i skipped waiting for a level cap increase and then take it to gamestop.

My opinion of Gearbox and Randy has certainly started to take a steep downhill slide post BL2 and ACM.  It'll be a while before i buy another game with 'Gearbox' on the packaging.





Fri, 03/01/2013 - 11:49
LocGaw's picture
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I would have paid for a level cap increase a little bit ago but not now. Saving every penny for this gaming computer build and this game done gone stale.


I won't be buying another Gearbox product on launch day again. Second, I would not buy any DLC from Gearbox with out the official 2o2p thumbs up.

Fri, 03/01/2013 - 14:28
GbHaseo's picture
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He actually responded to people who are waiting for the increase to play dlc. He told them leveling shouldn't be their primary concern, it should be going out and exploring the world and story, and leveling is just a means to do that. WHAT? This is a game about leveling, looting, and shooting tons of people, not story. Also, you took most of the legendaries out of chests, or at least made them incredibly hard to find, which made exploration pointless in this game, it's all about farming bosses. I get you worked hard adding some story to this game, and it was nice, but it wasn't a lot honestly, and most of the game, and especially the dlc's are filled with big empty areas.

Fri, 03/01/2013 - 17:42
StrikeZ's picture
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I am bringing my second toon up through the ranks.  I don't see a level cap increase as that important.

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