Looking for a Gears of War replacement..
Sat, 10/26/2013 - 12:23
Looking for a Gears of War replacement..
Whats good ladies & gents.
Anyone on the site that knows me knows that I'm a gearhead. But....with Gears Judgment being a big bucket of sh!t (in my opinion), I need to find something that will replace my beloved Gears.
I've got Halo 4 but haven't really been able to jump into the multiplayer like I want. Call of Duty isn't off the table completely....but it's a last resort for me. I'm not a big fan of activision.
Battlefield seems fun, but I bought 3 and never got in with a group to play it on the regular. Kinda like Halo 4.
So I dunno. What would you guys suggest?
Close quarters or huge maps...I don't care as long as I got a room full of friends to game with.
If your looking for a game like GoW, there really isnt' any since it was third person and the others are FPS. I enjoyed Halo, GoW, and cant' quit playing Battlefield. If your looking for people to play with in Battlefield, there is a group on here named Pension Plan Commandos. There are guys on every night pretty much.
Thanks Terror. Are you guys on PC or console?
You can find plenty of folks playing whatever title, really. Pick one or two, make a good faith effort and hop into it.
I'm console