Looking for people 2 Play Minecraft on X-Box 360 with.
Tue, 04/16/2013 - 12:13
Looking for people 2 Play Minecraft on X-Box 360 with.
Many different Games types & maps
So if u like Messing around & Having Fun, Epic Building, Adventure,Survival,Hardcore Survival,obstical courses, PVP,Hunger Games etc
Send a Friend Request to Gamertag- LLamaInAkayak
Make sure to mention ur from 2o2p
Proving I dont see ur gamer tag.
Its SWETA D0GG and im in GUL server at the mo i think
Just sent an FR throgh XBOX.com so it doesn't say I'm 2o2p. However, if you get an FR from someone with a ridiculous unpronounceable GT, that's me.
I'm not sure about those other modes of play but I like "having fun.' I'm always looking for ideas to steal too.
Send me a friends request I like just hanging and digging oh and I also like to put torches everywhere just ask Bubba..lol
Great bunch of guys even Bubba lol :P
Hey everybody was away for a lil bit. But will add u as soon as this storm passes.
Also make sure to post ur gamer tag so I know who to look for.
because i dont add randoms.
There's also the Friends of Friends Gamertag, a2old2dig
I'm always looking for Minecraft buddies... shoot me a FR if you ever want to build! GT: GlavinChris
Always looking to build and mine, feel free to send a FR - mention 2o2p though, much like you guys I don't add randos.
Always looking to build,shoot an FR to Zombie1977.