Looking for ppl playing Black Flag

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#1 Tue, 12/03/2013 - 11:00
MaxiKat's picture
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Looking for ppl playing Black Flag

I am hoping to find fellow gamers who are working on their campaign in Assassin's Creed Black Flag and playing the Kenway Fleet mini game to boost their reales. Please send a friend request to KittyDoDat. Our gameplay helps each other and we do not have to be logged on to our game systems at the same time to play. What a great idea for busy adults!! Anyway, I am primarily playing on my xbox 360 but I also have a copy for my xbox one. Thanks!!!

Tue, 12/03/2013 - 11:46
LocGaw's picture
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Given the review Jones wrote, I was thinking about picking this up when steam puts it on sale. Not really my type of game but that was one darn good review.

Tue, 12/03/2013 - 11:58
Shadow's picture
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started playing on Xbox One.  Got past the intro and to the island where the first "follow" mission starts, and I remembered how much I hate those stupid fucking missions.  I haven't played since.

Added you anyway!

Wed, 12/04/2013 - 06:24
OutcastB's picture
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If you don't like the franchise I can see people not liking it, but it's the best one since AC2. 

Wed, 12/04/2013 - 07:52
SarcasmoJones's picture
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I will be picking this up on the XBone at some point as it is currently the best game on next gen consoles. I rented it just to see if there were any major generational differences and got caught up all over again. I hate to see it go back this evening.

Thu, 12/05/2013 - 17:42
TANK's picture
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I've got it on ONE and will start playing it shortly, probably this weekend.

Fri, 12/06/2013 - 14:00
injustice4all's picture
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I am seriously considering buying this game.  I might wait until after Christmas.

Fri, 12/06/2013 - 14:56
MrGuster's picture
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I have it but haven't started it yet. I am trying to finish the older ones first.

Fri, 12/06/2013 - 15:41
Shadow's picture
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most people I've talked to say this is the best AC game.  Also that just sailing around being a pirate is really fun, even without moving the story ahead.

Sun, 12/08/2013 - 00:14 (Reply to #9)
TANK's picture
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Shadow wrote:

most people I've talked to say this is the best AC game.  Also that just sailing around being a pirate is really fun, even without moving the story ahead.


I think its being regarded as the 2nd best AC game by industry folks, behind AC2. 

Sun, 12/08/2013 - 02:47
SarcasmoJones's picture
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Although I like Ezio better, as a protagonist, than either Connor or Altair, I felt that Ubisoft went the cheap and easy route of killing his family to  propel the narrative. Altair and Edward had much more interesting motivations.I also felt that AC2 focused on the mechanics of Ezio's Assassin abilities more than the other games with critically timed button presses, double jumps, super climbing manuevers, crowd blending, etc...Connor and Edward's free run and jump flows much better and more naturally. Ezio's stewardship of Uncle Mario's estate was awkwardly integrated into the game...automatic and gradual improvements to the estate and surrounding town would have been a good way to mark the player's progression through the game instead of checking back with Maria and the architect every couple of hours and deliberately indicating where money should be spent. I actually put AC2 away for over a year after getting stuck in one of the Assassin's tombs, and didn't put it back in until I had exhausted every other game in my collection. I have only played the four numbered AC games, but AC4 is my fav...followed, in order of descending preference, by AC1(Altair), AC2(Ezio), AC3(Connor). I didn't play either of the "Ezio's Costume Party" games. This is, of course, only one man's opinion, as is the case with every other review. I guess I got a little burned out on the Assassin shit during AC3 and never finished the game. However, AC4 is half pirate half Assassin. The ship battles engage me tactically, I found Edward to be more relatable and interesting than other protagonists, and his motivations were clear. I deliberately avoid reading other reviews on games that I am reviewing so that I can give my opinion and not Game Informer's or IGN's, but I often go back after the fact and see if they match up. Tank is correct when he says that AC2 is thought of very highly by the game industry...but it will always be #3 in my book.

Mon, 12/09/2013 - 07:57
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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Moved to the Sandbox Gaming forum.

Mon, 12/09/2013 - 14:00
Ammodawg's picture
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I just bought it last week on the X1.  I'll shoot a FR tonight.   I played the first AC for a few hours and that was it.  I am enjoying this one though.  I hated the following mission also but once I got to the part where I have my own ship and crew I've been busy, um helping ships transport their cargo, and profits. 


Mon, 12/16/2013 - 00:02
TANK's picture
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I'm actively playing Black Flag now.  I'm enjoying it.  I'm finding the movement kind of irritating, there's delays where there shouldn't be like when you're clmibing and need to lift yourself up  onto the roof or something.  Any time you need to do a series of movements in fast succession, the game and/or animation squences slow you down .  It gets kind of annoying especially in any chase sequences (chasing the songs, couriers or anything like that).  However the boating stuff i'm really digging and I love the pirate theme. 

In order to enjoy the game though i've had to come to terms with what assassins creed was is dead,, there's very very little assassinating left in the game.  It's just a themed sandboxer now, and going into it with no further expectations than that, I'm enjoying it.


Mon, 12/16/2013 - 10:36
MrGuster's picture
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I am looking forward to popping this in. Can't hear enough good things about it. 

Just added: KittyDoDat and xXAmodawgXx to my FL's on the One. I'll be playing this game after the holidays when I have more time.

Tue, 12/31/2013 - 11:28
TANK's picture
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I've been playing the Conways Fleet mini-game in the Jackdaw quite a bit lately.  For the first time on the weekend, I saw someone elses ships on the map.  So curious I clicked on them to see what I could do.  I had the option to speed them up which knocked hours off their travel time, maybe by as much as 50%.  On one of the other ships I was given a 2nd option, to repair it. 

From what I can tell, none of these actions cost me anything other than a couple minutes selecting each ship and then a helpful action.

Kind of cool.

Tue, 12/31/2013 - 14:12
YEM's picture
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Not just someone's ships..... my ships wink


I've amassed quite a fleet so far. 4 Brigs, 5 Frigates, and 4 high level Man O' Wars 

Thu, 01/02/2014 - 14:05 (Reply to #17)
TANK's picture
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YEM wrote:

Not just someone's ships..... my ships wink


I've amassed quite a fleet so far. 4 Brigs, 5 Frigates, and 4 high level Man O' Wars 


Ya i've got quite a lot of ships, i'm to the point now where unlocking docks is costing 2000 gems.  So I go capture ships just to sell them .  I have one scooner for combat, three level 36 man'o'wars with two level 49's needing to be docked, rest are frigates of different levels and I think i have four waiting to be docked/sold/replace an older one.  I went on a rampage last night fighting ships.  I'm on the lookout for a level 60 Man'o'war traveling solo, but so far i've only found them in packs.


It's an interesting mini-game but it's kind of a totally separate experience almost bolted on.  IT doesn't use any of the cargo or money from campaign other than ships you conquer can go into that minigame.  And all you get out of the game is money and sometimes a plan or treasure map.


Fri, 01/03/2014 - 05:58
SoulTerror's picture
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I'm going to have to check out this mini game. Loving the game. I have played all of them but Accesnsions and I would agree this is as good as II was. IMO III was like a beta for IV. It was so short and the start of the game took forever. I'm glad some of the elements similar to the tombs are back into the game. Not as much, but it has you looking around trying to figure out how to get from the ground to something higher which is one of the things III was lacking.

Fri, 01/03/2014 - 16:02
TANK's picture
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I think the replacement to the tombs in previous AC games are the diving/shipwrecks in AC4.  I don't really care for the diving elements in 4 and im' glad they're finished with now in my game.  I thought not having any type of offense to fight sharks was total bullshit, and there's far too many of them and they can see way to bloody far.  The controls are kind of whacked, there';s a button to ascend but not decent you just have swim and angle the stick which works if you have distance.  But in some wrecks you have to open a grade and then go into the wreck and that gets more frustrating than it needs to, add 3 or 4 sharks circling and it's just stupid.  By far the worst experience of the game in my opinion is the diving.


Sat, 01/04/2014 - 07:21
SoulTerror's picture
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Haven't gotten that far yet.

Mon, 01/06/2014 - 16:18 (Reply to #21)
TANK's picture
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SoulTerror wrote:

Haven't gotten that far yet.

You can start the diving once you can buy the diving bell upgrade on the Jackdaw.  I don't remember how far in you need to be to get that, but just keep an eye on the available upgrades you can buy for the jackdaw.

Sat, 01/04/2014 - 15:25
YEM's picture
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I didn't mind diving to the wrecks that were near shore.... the ones where you'd come out in a cave.  The offshore wrecks did get annoying with all the sharks 

Mon, 01/06/2014 - 16:24
TANK's picture
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I downloaded the Fleet app on my Nexus 7 but I can't get it to work, it keeps saying 'no game data found'.  In Black Flag under options i've got the sync turned on but still doesn't work.  My gamertag shows in the app so i know it's connected to my account.    I read some people saying the latest version of android doesn't work with it properly.

I capture a level 60 man of war last night, i found it being wing-maned by two frigats.  Took them all out with the help of upgraded mortars.  I also found the Epic upgrade plans for mortars after this fight, can't wait to get the 650 metal to do that last Jackdaw upgrade.  Mortars are insanely powerful at 2nd last and last upgrade level.


Tue, 01/07/2014 - 05:52
SoulTerror's picture
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Still says it's unavailable for me.

Tue, 01/07/2014 - 07:35
YEM's picture
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You don't get the diving bell until you do the 5th sequence in the main story. You'll know you are there because you have to buy the diving bell/use it as part of the story 


 I have no more use for the fleet since it's only good for money. My ship is completely upgraded and I've bought everything worth buying. I now just have a bunch of money with no use for it :)  Also, a little tip for finding the upgrades not found in diving wrecks. If you bring up your treasure maps, you can scroll through them. Some of the maps lead to upgrades and will say which upgrade it is right on the map. 


And tank, the elite mortars are pretty sweet, but I tell you what, the 23 broadside cannons/gold swivel cannon combo is beastly 

Tue, 01/07/2014 - 18:36
TANK's picture
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I"m at that point as well, fully upgraded Jackdaw now and I've gotten all the fleet locations unlocked now .  I've got 125k, all the weapons/costumes I want, upgraded the pirate HQ all the way.  I guess i could start collecting Art and other random things the vender sells.  But other than refilling ammo, not much use for currency anymore.

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