looking for regular MP sessions
Sun, 04/01/2012 - 11:57
looking for regular MP sessions
I'm back on 2o2p after a little hiatus and looking for some folks to play ME3 with. I am on most all the time, if you want to play send me a msg or invite.
My wife just joined too and plays this title quite a bit, so we are often on together LOL.
I did get a chance to play with bunny and Cerberus the other night and while short it was fun.
Hit up the FOF!
Yeah, did that with Bunny and Cerb the other night, good time too, dont know if it was server problems, prior gaming commitments, or maybe I smelt funny LOL, but everyone kinda took off after a match or two.....
People have been playing it for awhile now, so we aren't doing marathon matches anymore. I play 2 or 3 and then I'm done.
Well I guess my wife and I are just odd then LOL cause that is all we are playing right now.... So I guess if there are any other oddballs out there, or just looking for a pick-up match for the weekends, shoot me a msg and I will pull you in if I got room LOL....
I'm playing a few nights a week but not until about 10:00 Pacific if you stay up late.
I'm on the FOF so send an invite if you see me.
@tufforcop: I've been spending all of my time in SP lately, I just HAVE to find out how it ends after all the buzz/hate for the ending. I'm almost done and will be looking for some MP with other folks.Hopefully not everyone will be over it by the time I catch up! I'm on the AFOF list or feel free to send me an invite, GT = solomsr. I usually play 3-4 nights a week 8:30 till 11:30 EST.
Tuff this is almost all that I have been playing lately. If I see you on I will try to join up with you.
Im on most night for a few hrs on MP look me up on the FOF
I may get on here the next couple nights. Feel free to send me invites if you need an extra.
Just started playing the 360 version.If you need another body just send me an invite.Can't wait to play with 2o2p peeps.Playing with randoms just ain't any fun.
...forgot. Gamertag : Th3 Bunman
We usually play on Tuesdays and Fridays. Feel free to hit me up. Or JimSmyth, he is on most all the time.
I just can multi task better than you. I combine quality time with the wife with ME3mp sessions. She sits on my lap while I play. Oh I wear no pants when I play. See, multitasking. Also no kids.