March 14th market research study - Chicago and Portland
Wed, 03/09/2016 - 12:20
March 14th market research study - Chicago and Portland
Wow Doodi, wtg on the new site! looks amazing! Miss all of you I used to game with when I had more time!
My friend's company is doing a market research project on console gamers and needs people who live in Portland and Chicago. It's a two hour focus group and pays $125 if you can help. Not too bad!
Call: 312-235-6179 and refer to “Project Ivory”
Thanks guys!
I assume this is over and 3/14 meant the day of the MRP - but if not let me know, I'm in Chicago.
Would've been interesting, but I'm 4.5 hours away from Portland. Didn't feel up to the drive down & back.
March 14th is my bday, it also is Steak and Blowjob day. look it up