Mass Effect 3 - Multiplayer
Mass Effect 3 - Multiplayer
I am brand new to this community, so I hope I am posting this in the right place. I am doing another run through of Mass Effect from ME1 through ME2. This time I did the female Shepard with Kaiden Alenko living from Virmire. I am JUST getting to Mass Effect 3 now.
I am using the Datapad to increase my Glaxay at War rating. Currently I sit at 99% - 100% on every system except the Terminus System. The Terminus System is sitting at 54.49%. I hope to get the Terminus System to roughly 65% tonight through the Datapad. However, that still leaves me with another 35% to get. With me maintaining the other systems at 100%, I can only use one ship in the system each hour for a total increase of 2.80% per hour (or each time I check it, but no less than once per hour). If I check it 7 times a day, which is a lot for me, that still leaves me at two more days at the least to get to 100%. And more than likely, it'll be longer.
Anyways, long story short: I am looking for Multiplayer help. Please be forewarned: I am not an expert at Multiplayer. I just started getting back into it after a VERY long hiatus. I started playing it when it first came out and then lost interest after a month or so. I haven't been back into it since that, until recently. So, you will be playing with practically a new player to ME MP in myself. However, I am quick to learn. I am also VERY polite. I have a headset and prefer you have one so we can communicate without issues. While I don't mind foul mouths, I ask that you don't spew it every other word also.
I've also just got back into it after about a year off. And it's lots of fun but I can't find any teammates so I'm stuck running bronze and silver.
Send a friend request to AFOF ME3 - that is the community tag and I check it every night but there is ever only a couple of people on and they are watching Netflix and playing Minecraft.
Also send one to scotchboy and I'll look for it.
Scotch is very modest. He has crazy skills. He rapes with a Tempest on platinum.