ME3 import issues with cloud and different systems
ME3 import issues with cloud and different systems
Despite Mass Effect 3's impressive mastery of the atmosphere, it still can't quite handle clouds. EA is "aware of an issue" that prevents Mass Effect 2 save files that either exist in the cloud, or were transferred to a new 360 through the cloud, from being imported into ME3.
EA's help guide for the problem makes no mention of plans to implement such functionality, but it does offer solutions, provided you still have access to the 360 that birthed your ME2 save. If your ME2 save exists in the cloud and you're playing from its original console, simply move it back to your hard drive and it should import fine.
If it exists on a new console and was transferred through the cloud, it'll need to be moved back to its original 360, and then re-transferred to the new system using a memory card or USB thumb drive. If you no longer have access to that original 360, it looks like you're going to be spending some time on the character creation screen. But hey, don't feel guilty, all right? Shepard would have wanted you to love again.
I'm curious what's going to happen in my situation. I bought a second xbox when I moved recently, and put my original HD on the new xbox. That HD contains everything that was on my old xbox. I think it's going to work, but who knows. Luckily, I never put it on the cloud.
That one is a tricky oen, it depends on what is causing the issue. Your game save has encoded in it the device ID of the storage device it is housed on. It also is signed with a unique profile ID based on your gamer tag. So if you moved your hard drive, i'm gonna guess that it should be ok. But if the save is also signed with your system ID, then you're gonna have a problem because you can't move a system ID by swapping hard drives, it's encoded on your system motherboard in some chip there.
Interested to know how it work out for ya though.
Yeah I guess it only pertains to things moved via cloud. I wonder if it's a bug or if EA doesnt trust people to put things in the cloud and not hack a save somehow
Wow, this totally blows.
Maybe EA should've been spending time handling the new cloud save system instead of cramming a multiplayer feature into the game that we didn't ask for.
Luckily, I still have my original system, so I can just move my ME2 save files back onto it.
But the only reason I ever moved them into the cloud in the first place is because EA prevented me from making backup copies of the saves onto a memory card. Being in IT, I'm really anal about data backups in my household. So I always backup my critical save files by periodicaly copying them from the HDD onto a memory card. But while I could backup my ME1 saves this way, I was prevented from doing that with my ME2 saves. You can only move them, not copy them.
So I figured moving them to the cloud was getting me some insurance in the event of an HDD failure since I'm sure MS probably has a pretty robust backup system for cloud saves, given all their experience in enterprise computing. This issue, however, totally renders that moot.
Boo! EA... no wonder people hate your guts so much.![no no](
Thanks for the heads-up, Tank.
That sucks. It also seems if you changed the face of Shepard in ME1, imported that face into ME2, you will receive an error message trying to import the custom face into ME3.
My old xbox was a refurb launch. The new one is a slim. Thus, when I moved the hard drive, i basically gutted the old hd enclosure and put the hd in a slim enclosure I bought off amazon. So even though I have the old xbox upstairs, I can't really put the HD back on it. I guess I'll know tonight...
Somebody found a work around for not being able to import off of the cloud if your old console isn't available. You start Mass Effect 2 and load the last save of the Shepard you want to import into ME 3, then create a new save. You then should be able to import that new save into ME 3. I was able to do it last night without any trouble on my 360. The longest part was downloading all the DLC I had purchased but hadn't installed on the new console for the saves to load.
I finally got to play last night. I had no trouble importing using my old HD on a new xbox.