Mechwarrior; have Heroes?

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#1 Thu, 11/08/2012 - 07:01
PoltegIce's picture
Last seen: 9 years 3 months ago
Joined: 10/25/2006 - 23:00

Mechwarrior; have Heroes?

Some Mechwarrior pilots are undoubtedly Heroes. Whether it be raw skill, or sound strategic advice that turns the tide of battle, some players consistently prove themselves as Heroes! 


As shining examples in how to conduct oneself of the battle field, the true strength of a Heroe is of course the team behind them. Without capable pilots, fullfilling their roles and providing support, a Heroe would simply be outnumbered, outgunned and eventually torn assunder. It is a achievement and a badge of honour when a group has heroes among them, as it represents the skill of the entire group/


We have our heroes!  This fact is an undoubtable testament to the quality and skill that we all bring. We are proven on the battlefield as a skilled force, a singular unit that works with a unified purpose. We are still learning, it takes time. We have patience.


Having fun is of course the number one objective. As this group has formed its obvious that winning isn't the main objective, however exciting crushing your enemies and driving them before you may be. We are here to have fun. When we do, winning is a natural by-product, because when we are having fun working as a team, we do better and get better. Though some players apear to gain much of the glory. Its all of us working together that makes it so. We are all Mechwarrior Heroes!





Thu, 11/08/2012 - 10:01
Raven Starbinder's picture
Last seen: 9 months 1 week ago
Joined: 06/06/2012 - 20:50

It truly is team work that creates the victory for the team. Some individuals may shine more, it is the small contributions that the other pilots give that lead to that kill. The utlimate victory belong to the whole unit and not the individual that got the most kills that match.  Without everyone contributing to the overall team effort, we would never have a victory period. As Polteg Ice, stated when we start out having fun, we enjoy ourselves and start to understand that working together as a team brings more victories.  Which leads to more excitement being in the unit and unit pride, which will lead to more unit cohesion.  As we enjoy ourselves more we will play more, which will lead to pilot skill improvment and an very skilled group that can standup to any other units out there without hesitation.  A few hero's will emerge from the group, but they will never win a match alone.

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