MOH warfighter demo 10/5/12 Xbox only
Thu, 09/06/2012 - 09:07
MOH warfighter demo 10/5/12 Xbox only
per the EA expo in Chile:
one of this other forum's members who attended the EA expo in Chile saw a poster that said MOH warfighter will have a demo out for PC, Ps3 and xbox in Septiembre.
I gotta figure this will be a worldwide Demo and not just for south america.
See Update for 10/5/12 release in later post
NOTE: for unknown reasons, BETA not avaiable as of 11:30 am PST / 2:30 EST
It NEEDS to be a multiplayer demo. The campaign for the last MoH was top notch and was the only redeeming quality of the game. But quite a few of the SP mechanics, like sliding into cover, didn't make it to the MP. And that was a real clusterfuck.
CONFIRMED by Danger close
YES - it is multiplayer but only 1 map and 1 game mode - Xbox only.
“The Medal of Honor Warfighter multiplayer beta will be available for a limited time in early October exclusively for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system,” writes EA. The beta “will feature a brand new multiplayer mode called HotSpot, where players attack and defend randomly-selected locations on the Sarajevo Stadium map in Bosnia.”
Hi Guys,
based on the late beta (really a DEMO) on only 1 platform - I would warn PS3 and PC people to steer away from Pre-ordering MOH warfighter.
Not having working Demos on PC and PS3 is a bad sign.
having the beta so close to release is also a bad sign.
You would think since the Gamescom demos were on PC, that they would at least have a PC demo?
Even xbox'ers may want to cancel any pre-orders and just wait a few weeks for the non-IGN user reviews to roll in.
I really feel bad sometimes for studios like Danger Close and Dice as it is obvious that EA holds them to the announced release date even though the game is not yet polished and what you get on release day is really a buggy beta for your $60.
You can already tell EA is going to do the DLC cash cow plan and release WF with only a few maps to forceyou pay for $DLC$ maps that should have been included with the release.
If you are choosing between MOH WF and Black Ops 2 - save your money for BO2.
... and this is from a BF fanboy, not a COD fanboy.
This is probably good advice. The abomination that was MoH along with the subpar BF3 should be enough to make you not pre-order... and this is from a former BF fanboy.
I agree with canceling the pre-order. I had high hopes for this one, but it appears as this years MOH installment is once again beign forced to release ahead of COD even though the game is not finished. Hell EA did the SAME thing with BF3 last October. BF3 was nowhere near the level of polish that BFBC2 launched with. I'm fairly certain BF4 launching next October will suffer a similar fate. It's unfortunately just the nature of the game industry these days.![77 77](
The beta is next fall, not the release
I hope you're correct, but I'm fairly certain BF4 will be a 2013 Q4 release to compete with the next MW release. BF4 will most likely be a launch title for the XBox720. I am assuming a new hardware launch for XBox in Nov 2013 though which may be incorrect.
I got about 5 min into the BETA and it crashed my XBox. Textures were low, hit detection was wonkey, movement and gunplay were straight out of BF3, lack of destruction was disappointing. I'll give it another chance tonight, but with Halo 4 releasing a mere 7 days after this I see no reason to pick this game up at release. Definitely as a bargain bin or Holiday discount purchase for the SP.
UPDATE: Confirmed at
Xbox PR guy MajorNelson confirmed in his podcast that MOH Warfighter beta will be 10/5/12 - Xbox only.
multiplayer - 1 game mode and 1 map only.
Seems like EA can't get anything right.
MOH warfighter beta was supposed to be available 9am PST/12 EST but now it is delayed for whatever unknown reason.
so while there is a Clickable link to MOH WF beta on the Game Marketplace Demos, all you get there is some adverts and video trailers to download.
The Beta itself is not available as of 11:30 PST/2:30 EST.
Maybe if we are lucky it will actually show up at 11:59 PM PST tonight.
EA is having server prolbems. My cousin talked to they and it is suppose to be up any minute.
Actually It's sort of out 11:45 am PST. I'm downloading now.
It's NOT on the official DEMO MOH WF link.
it "cycles" between the Advertisements in the far bottom right corner of the Menu box screens:
I had to play around going from Tab to tab and checking the bottom right corner unitl it showed up like the image above with the "We hunt terror" MOH box.
then highlighted that box and it took me to the beta download page. 1.61 gb.
I have heard it might be - USA only download right now - so EU and Asian xboxers may be out of luck.
Downloading it now.
UPDATED - probably around 1PM PST Microsoft got it fixed.
the "Get trial" button now appears correctly on the main MOH Warfighter demo page.
First impressions - basically a cross between COD and BF with superior graphics but let down on game flow and maps.
I know it's not fair based only on 1 map and 1 game type but it ain't my cup of tea.
Flawed blue tint and glitched up as it is, BF3 just has more depth of play with its huge maps and Land and Air vehicles in the mix.
MOH WF with it's fast game play and "scorechain" killstreaks feels more like a call of duty game than a BF game.
but, good luck to the rest of you in the Beta and enjoy.
It is COMPLETELY fair based on that one map and gametype. Think of it this way - they sure didn't pick the gametype and map they thought people would hate. They want people to like their game and are putting their best foot forward. So if this carefully selected combo of map and gametype falls flat... the rest of the game is probably not your cup of tea either! :)
Also, "Medal of Honor: Warfighter"? Seriously? That sounds like such a generic title for a shooting game. "Decorated Soldier" is what it is saying, and is generic too. Names I like include Deus Ex: Human Revolution and Left 4 dead. They sound much better than "A dude fighting dudes somewhere"
Nothin to see here folks. Visually the game is slightly worse than COD4, gameplay wise it's right there with the last MoH. Tiny CoD style maps, kill streaks, noob tubes and all that. If you liked the last MoH game, you'll like this. Didn't like it? This is a pass. Halo 4 and Black Ops 2 drop 1 and 2 weeks after this, and this game is just trying it's hardest to be CoD. So unless you're adamantly opposed to that franchise just wait a bit.
That beta for BF4 better be darn good to convince me to buy it.
and the BF4 beta better be out on all 3 platforms instead of just xbox like this MOH WF beta is.
hopefully Crytek will release a Homefront 2 demo next fall also.
I know most of you FPS guys don't like Homefront but I thought it was a decent game and I would buy HF 2 if Crytek does a good job on it.
I mean come on, it had 16 vs 16 on CONSOLE in some game modes which is pretty unheard of except in PS3 land with games like MAG.
It also had tanks, LAVs, drones and Helis and a much fairer and balanced killstreak system.
If there is a Homefront 2 demo/beta next year, I would encourage all of you to give it a shot.
Edit: actually, from what Crytek's boss has said in the past, Homefront 2 may also be a Free to Play title.
also, Crysis 3, coming out March 2013 may foretell what direction Crytek will take with HF2.
To be fair, Homefront had a lot of potential. And for me it wasn't so much the gameplay that failed. The graphics were just unacceptable and the servers were beyond broken for far too long. I loved the concept of earning cash to buy rewards and vehicles, the maps were fairly well designed and it was fun.
There's just no hope for MoH though. Maybe if it had released at the same time Ghost Recon did it probably would have been okay. But with two AAA titles right on it's heels, I don't think this game has much of a chance.
The demo / beta is awfull. It looks like an original Xbox game, and plays like garbage. Pass for me for sure.