More fun with Maya

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#1 Mon, 08/19/2013 - 04:26
Trashguy's picture
Last seen: 8 years 1 month ago
Joined: 08/01/2005 - 23:00

More fun with Maya

Imagine my surprise to find that even though there are things you can't phaselock, it does a TON of damage otherwise instead of just bouncing off like I thought it might!

Hyperion gun turret? *BLAM*  Badass Fire Thresher? *BLAM*  Made life quite interesting once I discovered this fact.  Haven't attempted a phaselock on a Bandit vehicle yet--does anyone have experience with a moment like that?

Still enjoying Lobbed Stormfront grenades--I wonder if there's a Singularity version?

Mon, 08/19/2013 - 12:46
GbHaseo's picture
Last seen: 8 years 6 months ago
Joined: 10/29/2012 - 14:35

Yeah, it's a really handy skill! With Converge and Ruin, it acts like a singularity and you Slag entire groups of enemies. Which in UVHM, Slag is a must!

My old Axton, got deleted, but I'm waiting for the 72 cap increase to create a new Axton. When it comes he'll be able to throw 2 Longbow Sticky Phalanx-Shielded Rocket Turrets with dual Slag Guns along with double health! It'll be insane!


Sadly, there's no singularity version of the Storm Front, it's impossible. The Storm Front is a Area of Effect grenade type. It's a legendary, and the only things that are changable on that legendary is it's prefix.


Check these pages out for some better explained information, the Borderlands wiki, has a lot of great info. I also have some charts on the main page that go into detail how weapons breakdown:

More In-Depth Explanation on Grenades -

Storm Front Abilities and Specifications -



Wed, 08/21/2013 - 11:36
WODKA7453's picture
Last seen: 8 years 3 months ago
Joined: 11/23/2007 - 23:00

The Storm Front nade is nice but I often replace with a Quasar that has that Tesla/Sigularity effect.

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