Multiplayer Manifest and the Pack System
Multiplayer Manifest and the Pack System
So I thought it would be neat to compare Manifests and discuss experiences and strategies with the packs system. Not for the sake of seeing who has the best Manifest but from the perspective of what your Manifest looks like and what your strategy has been with respect to buying packs from the RNG store.
I started the thread and I will go first:
So for me, here is a link to my Manifest:
My strategy was that I started with no strategy, just bought whatever I could afford. Yes, I did spend some MS Points that I got for free with my smartphone purchase last year (don't hate, they sat for a year never being used). After a while I started focusing on the Commons first, then moving to the Uncommons. Once I got the uncommon guns maxed out, I moved to PSP purchases exclusively. When the Gear slot got released I started buying regular SP because I heard that was the best way to get those maxed out (the Veteran packs seem to only give me character cards, no Gear or Mods). Since I do not play Gold, credits are hard for me to come by and I have moved to SP purchases and in as a result I have found myself enjoying the pack system more. I get them more frequently (after 2 Silver matches) and the payoff is closer to my effort. I have read lots of theories about the RNG store, but at the end of the day it is supposed to be completely random. Still, I cannot help but feel that it is not and that the Bioware folks play with the drop rates within the categories (e.g. Character Cards have a higher chance of dropping vs Rare Gear slots when buying SP and PSP). Sometimes I think that Tuesday is "screw Slater with character cards he already has" day. Those days make me wanna quit!! But then there was the time I got 2 Ultra Rares in the same PSP and I wanted to play all night with my new "toys".
So, wanna share? Did you have a strategy when it came to buying packs?
Here's my manifest:
I shifted to just buying PSPs pretty early, but considering the amount of time I have to play on a given night, it just wasn't satisfactory to not buy a pack or two after an hour or two of playing.
Like you've I've switched back to SPs, though I'll throw in a couple VPs because I've got some ground to make up in unlocking Silver stuff. I usually buy a VP after I do my exercise/ME3 matches over lunch, and at least a SP during my evening play.
I was on a pretty good VP run there for a bit, but that #$%^ing Turian Sentinel just popped up again today for my VP buy at lunch. He's the Silver character card that almost always comes up, and I hate him for it.
Anyway, in summary I've dialed back my expectations because I do have so much unlocked, and my goal is just to at least unlock a pip in something every day that I play.
I long ago gave up trying to get certain things in the packs. In fact, I once had over a million credits just because I never bought any packs. For the most part, I enjoy playing the MP in small doses. I've always hated random crap and try to avoid it at all costs. I still don't have the Asari Adept and don't have a few other basic characters. These days I spend all my credits on consumables.
Before buying a specter pack, on the left stick hit up twice and then right once and left bumper. Buy specter pack. Guaranteed ur every time.