Need some help with multiple xbox ones'

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#1 Sat, 12/17/2016 - 20:13
Raider30's picture
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Need some help with multiple xbox ones'


Was hoping someone here could help me out.  So here is the current situation:

I have one xbox1 and currently have 3 paid for gold accounts, one for me and one each for my kids(note - not one paid gold and 2 other tags, 3 separate paid for accounts).

We will be getting a second xbox1 console in the house as of Christmas.  The plan is to move the older one to another room(the boy cave) and keep the new 4k xbox1s in the main family room.  

Is this going to cause problems with xbox live?  One kid plays Destiny, and so my plan was to leave his account on the old xbox as that is the one that has downloaded destiny and all expansions.  The other kid and myself I figured would share the new xbox1.  But it would be nice if I were playing and he wanted to play if he could fire up the one in the boy cave and play on it.  Is that possible since he has his own paid for gold account? Can we have our accounts on both xbox's and be able to jump onto them when needed?  What about games?  Can I load Destiny on the new xbox one or do I need to buy it again?(what if I wanted to load it on, but only play it on one xbox at a time?)

I appreciate any help you can give me.  My luck with microsoft and xbox has been iffy over the years with lots of frustration and calls to support.  I am really hoping that won't be the case here.  

Please help! :)  And be as specific as possible, basically assume I don't know what you are talking about(I probably don't!)




- Raider30

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