Hee old guys (hehe)
Thu, 10/11/2012 - 23:00
Hee old guys (hehe)
I''m Ronald from the netherlands.
not sure what I''m doing here but it will be something.
I''ve always been plying games, most of the time on pc but sinse forza 3 I''ve been doing most on xbox.
favorite is forza (not sure about horizon yet) but have been suspended in forza 4 due an unicar incident.
Now I''ve been suspended I bought a jtag xbox (yeah yeah always the illigale stuff) and love it very much.
I''m 38 years ""joung"" married, 2 kids (2 and 5 years)and no dog couse dogs always eat the mic
Hi Ronald. Come and join the 2euro2play clan to meet other Europeans.
welcome to the house!
WElcome Ronald. I added you to 2Old4Forza yesterday, I also replied to your private message.
Give a shout if there's anything you need.
Welkom :)
Welcome, greetings from a fellow Euro living on the other side of the ocean.