Hiiiiiiiiiiiii :)
Thu, 12/12/2013 - 09:54
Hiiiiiiiiiiiii :)
Hello Everyone!
I am a fairly new gamer, currently 43 yrs young, love making new friends for conversation and silliness. Minecraft is my addiction. It is the first game I actually played online (and on Xbox 360), and one log in was enough to get me hooked. I play mostly on PC but I am slowly learning to play on Xbox... IF I can stay alive along enough to learn! LOL
As for other games, I am discovering that I love zombie games - State of Decay, Dead Rising, Walking Dead, etc. I don't understand WoW.... really tried my best for a year a to get into it but it seems really "busy" and repetitive to me.
Anyway, just discovered this site and thought I'd stop by to introduce myself.
Sup bud. Look around and make some new friends.
Yup, that's what I'm a doing :)
Welcome to the site fella!