New to 2o2p
Mon, 08/18/2014 - 22:28
New to 2o2p
My name is Nick
GT is Hypnotoad25 on steam, origin, xbox, and psn
I will play the hell out of Destiny PVE on PS4 when it comes out, also looking forward to Sunset Overdrive and AC Unity. Until then I play Titanfall on PC, GTA on 360 but will be PS4 when they release on next gen.
Glad to hop in whatever game i have with whoever wants to do something.
Welcome to 2o2p Nick!
Nice to have another TF PC player, we will have to connect on Origin and get a few rounds in.
for sure! i'm Hypnotoad25 on origin
Ok cool, I will add you. Keep in mind I am pretty low level as I dont play that often but still should be fun :)
Maybe there are some others that want to join in on the fun. I will start a post on the FPS board about a TF PC night.
Welcome to the club!