New to 2old2play site
Sun, 10/28/2012 - 10:35
New to 2old2play site
Hey guys. Just dropping in to say hi. I'm looking foward to meeting some cool people on here to game with. I mostly play fighting games and Halo with the occasional RPG here and there. I'll be looking to check the 2old2fight and 2old2playHALO forums to meet new players to play with. If anyone feels like dropping me a line to get some games in, feel free. Happy gaming. :)
welcome to the house!!!
got your PM..gif)
Will do man. I used to play a lot of racing games back in the day. Gran Turismo 2 and 3, Rallysport Challenge 2, Forza Motorsport 1 and 2, and Project Gotham Racing 2. But over time I had to start trimming down some of the genres I played strictly for the fact that I just don't have time to play all these great games anymore. Life's busy with a family.
Got your Freind request. Be happy to que you in to some halo, or MW3