New face in town...
New face in town...
Hi all, new to the 2o2p forums. Found you all through mutual friends from (EdieKaye, Pontiff) and the now defunct Fallen Unity Clan (Highwayman). Great site and a huge community. Awesome.
Got into console gaming a few years ago when I got a 360 and Halo Reach for xmas. I routinely got annilahted trying to figure out multiplayer but eventually found the geezers and shortly thereafter ended up in the halo-centric geezergamer clan Spartanhawks. Since then it has been a slow, steady climb to mediocrity.
Play mostly FPS titles. Played a lot of Halo: Reach multiplayer and played quite a bit of Battlefield 3 until Halo 4 came out. Dabbled a bit in MW3, Syndicate, and Crysis 2, but mainly just to goof around. Occasionally fire up the kinect or play lego titles with my kids.
See you around the forum and on XBL.
Hi there,
I think I stumbled upon this site while looking up something for Fallout: NV. I've been a gamer for most of my life and now game with one grandkid. He exasperates his parents, but grandma gets him. Suddenly I feel a kinship with Lily Bowen. Anyway, I mainly like RPGs. I was a PC snob until I was gifted an Xbox a couple of years ago along with some games, and it won me over.
Welcome, and Welcome!
Hey, Mike we share alot of the same friends. I'll send you a friends request.
Welcome to the mad house Mike you will fine a lot of PC/Xbox players here check out the RPG forum as well