New to forum
Thu, 10/25/2012 - 07:19
New to forum
Hi all,
Im new to the forum, looking to join in with some Call of Duty MW3 and Forza 4 (2o4forza) online gameplay.
I've only just got my wifi sorted out and am now online on Xbox live as Squishie Face.
Im not great at either Call of Duty or Forza 4 but would like some regular fixtures if possible.
See you out there.
Welcome to the Site wheyword. If your looking for shooters I. E.. Mw3,check out 2old2shoot. We are a pretty active clan and have clan night every Wednesday. If ya want ill send ya an invite.
Welcome to 2Old4Forza bro.
Welcome to Crazy Town!
Welcome fella
welcome to the house!