Returning female member; Is there still a ladies' community here?
Sun, 11/09/2014 - 16:54
Returning female member; Is there still a ladies' community here?
Heya! Just popping back in after a long gaming hiatus. Been dabbling around with Halo series and MW2, solo, knocking the rust out of my brain and off my trigger finger. LOL Thought it'd be fun to connect with other older female gamers again. (I can't begin to keep up with the youngstas.) Are you still out there?!? Give me a shout out if so! Xbox 360 console for now ─ GT = Geezamapeeza Happy gaming!
Yo. I just came back after a 2O2P hiatus myself and have been spamming Destiny on PS4. I feel you on the female community. Y WE SO ENDANGERD...? Not really but you have to admit the proportions are rather skewed. Lol
We're all just one big happy family now!
Welcome back!
I found it hilarious that the first response in a "female" new in town thread had a large breasted woman. I'm sure she felt very welcomed with that. LOL
I have a female hunter on Destiny if that means anything. She has some killer dance moves. My daughters created her which is my manly out for having her.