Viking armed with the PS4
Wed, 07/16/2014 - 03:53
Viking armed with the PS4
I'm 40+, living in Denmark (Europe) and hoping to spend the next 10 years with Destiny.
I got my PS4 on release date and preordered Destiny the same day. From then till now, I have just been waiting.
I have played KillZone Shadowfall, Infamous Second Son and BF4 while waiting. Didn't like KillZone character mechanics. Infamous was done in 3 days and BF4 just gets boring with all those Assault-Spay-And-Pray players.
Before that I played Halo 4 for 7 months. It's a great game. Going back to 2009 I got my self a PS3 and played Warhawk for almost 3 years. To me, it's the best game ever made.
Hey bud.
Loved zones on Eucadia, fighting over the bridge was a blast. So good.
If you scroll way down to the bottom of the forums you'll find the 2old2playstation group where you can fnd a list of psn users stickied, then get to sending some friend requests out.
Yeah. It always got really intense. And always within a few minutes after the round started.
Welcome to the site!