WHAT??? Did somebody say something???
Fri, 11/30/2012 - 04:43
WHAT??? Did somebody say something???
Just kidding. HI. I'm new .... : )
My name's Daniel and I live in New York City and I'm 48 (really????). None of my friends play games and think i'm a little insane for loving gaming the way I do, so that leads to LOTS of lonely single player campaigns and "ooooh ooooooh, pick me" on multiplayer games.
I like shooters and action and horror games. Especially if its a Sci-Fi shooter!
So if anybody sees me online, PLEASE say hi (even if you have to shout cuz my hearing's not so good these days .... kidding).
You should definitely introduce yourself in the Halo forum
welcome to the house!
if you are interested in Halo 4, check out the Halo Division for all the latest news, making new friends, getting matches in with other members, and watching all of us with three left thumbs bitch about the game. lol
Wow, you remind me of me. I'm only 34, but I'm still old enough to remember when Stella was queen.
I'm Xbox exclusive, unfortunately, but I'm all over the map game wise. I'll message you later today.