Oct. 16th Balance Changes

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#1 Wed, 10/17/2012 - 21:11
Wikiri's picture
Last seen: 8 years 9 months ago
Joined: 04/10/2012 - 11:44

Oct. 16th Balance Changes


October 16, 2012
Krogan Shaman Adept kit now available as a new Rare card
The hazard maps available this week are Firebase Giant and Firebase Ghost
- Bronze Melee medal now requires 10 kills instead of 5
- Silver Melee medal now requires 25 kills instead of 10
- Gold Melee medal now requires 50 kills instead of 15
- Added a Krogan Shaman challenge to Bloodpack Mastery
- Fixed an issue where extracting with the new Retaliation kits was not registering certain challenges
- Challenges that required extraction weren't properly crediting the case where exactly 3 out of 4 players extracted
- The changes below were put in place to fix a bug where some players could no longer progress after unlocking a Gold challenge:
    - Combat Mastery goal changed from 9 to 12 
    - Cerberus Mastery goal changed from 17 to 21
    - Reaper Mastery goal changed from 15 to 18
    - Geth Mastery goal changed from 12 to 18
    - Collector Mastery goal changed from 12 to 15
Acolyte Pistol
- Removing charge mechanic - now fires instantly
- Rate of fire is now 40, with a minimum fire time of 1 second
- This fixes an infinite Missile Launcher exploit
Krysae Sniper Rifle
- Can no longer hold the fire button to zoom in the scope - now fires instantly
- This fixes an infinite Missile Launcher exploit
Widow Sniper Rifle
- Damage increased from [867-1083.8] to [997-1246.3]
Krysae Sniper Rifle
- Damage increased from [429-548] to [493.4-616.8]
Kishock Sniper Rifle
- Damage increased from [774.5-968.1] to [890.7-1113.4]
- Percentage of total damage that is done as bleed damage increased from 33% to 40%
- Bleed damage duration reduced from 10 to 5 seconds (the same damage is spread over a shorter duration)
Black Widow Sniper Rifle
- Damage increased from [591.2-739] to [739.0-923.8]
Javelin Sniper Rifle
- Damage increased from [1030.5-1288.1] to [1236.6-1545.8]
Also, in the announcement for the changes, Eric had this to say:
We are looking at some difficulty balance tweaks for next week because we know that the game has become a lot more challenging with the new content and patch.
Wed, 10/17/2012 - 21:11
Wikiri's picture
Last seen: 8 years 9 months ago
Joined: 04/10/2012 - 11:44

That comment about looking at changes due to the spike in difficulty is refreshing and I continue to be impressed with the Bioware devs and the way they approach MP.

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