Oct. 9th Balance Changes

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#1 Thu, 10/11/2012 - 13:24
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Last seen: 8 years 10 months ago
Joined: 04/10/2012 - 11:44

Oct. 9th Balance Changes


October 9, 2012
New weapon mods available
- Assault Rifle Thermal Scope
- Assault Rifle High-Velocity Barrel
- Shotgun Omni-Blade
- Shotgun High-Velocity Barrel
- Sniper Rifle Thermal Scope
- Sniper Rifle High-Velocity Barrel
- Pistol Heavy Barrel
Singularity Power
- Duration of singularity decreased from 25 to 8 seconds (October 2 balance changes missed this)
Cryo Explosion Power Combo
- Like Biotic Explosion or Tech Burst combos, this combo can now occur without killing the target.
- The target must still be fully frozen to be detonated.
- Damage increased from [50-125] to [75-200]
- Impact radius decreased from [3-5] meters to [2-4] meters
Fire Explosion Power Combo
- Like Biotic Explosion or Tech Burst combos, this combo can now occur without killing the target.
- Impact radius decreased from [3-6] meters to [2-4] meters
- Damage decreased from [150-375] to [100-250]
- Damage-over-time damage decreased from [20-50] to [12.5-31.25]
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue where you could get an unlimited number of the new character cards
- Fixed issue allowing players to see the unreleased Retaliation kits in the character selection screen
Also, here are some additional changes that were included with the Retaliation DLC or missed in our patch notes.
- Geth Pyros can now stomp players who are downed
- Marauders can now stomp players who are downed
- Atlas now moves faster
- Atlas rocket will add a small damage-over-time effect on players that prevents shield regeneration for a short time
- Geth Prime drone now attacks players
- New map layout for Firebase White and Firebase Glacier
- Wave changes to Geth faction to account for new Geth Bomber enemy
- Wave changes to Cerberus faction to account for the new Dragoon enemy
- Weapons in the lobby show their rarity as a border around the weapon
- Can now see the last pack you purchased in the store 
- Consumables now show statistics in their descriptions
- Destroyer's missile launcher now shows "Hawk Missile Launcher" in the kill feed instead of "Missile Launcher"
- When 3 of 4 players are ready in the lobby, there is a 20 second countdown before the match automatically begins
- Promoting a character preservers name and appearance, and doesn't assign any talent points
- Carnage power can now set up Fire Explosion power combos

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