Decided to re-paint my ALS Camaro is there was a second car a bit too close to my original scheme so decided to switch it up. Pretty happy with the end result.
So after finally getting my paint to a point that I'm really happy with (for this week anyway), I now have applied to it all my event cars. Again, thanks to OldSchool for the missing touch that the concept was lacking.
Wish me luck. I entered a photo into the Forza Horizon Honda Civic Photo Contest. I got a voicemail from the marketing firm that's runing the contest informing me that my photo is a semi finalist. Woo Hoo!
I'll be filling out the required docs this weekend so that I have a chance to make it to the finals. If I read the rules correctly five finalists are selected from 20 semi finalists. I'll know in and around the 7th if I made it into the finals.
I do have one paint that usually ends up looking better after contact, or at least hard to see the contact, hehe
[url=]cwest 1[/url] by [url=]Oldschoolsmart[/url], on Flickr
My work here is done lol
Looks like Fitzy was on the track at the time?
Car designed for maxperforma by me and max.
and sister car.
Lol, joking aside oldschool, I'm a big fan of your work, car looks great and can't wait to see what you do next.
I appreciate that.
I looked at that shot and was like "How'd he do that?" and then it hit me the cars in the club garage!!!
That'll teach me to leave the keys in it!
Decided to re-paint my ALS Camaro is there was a second car a bit too close to my original scheme so decided to switch it up. Pretty happy with the end result.
GGG send me that if you would, I wanna tweak it and send it back to ya. Just the paint. Sometimes I see something and it just clicks in my head.
Of course there are times absolutely nothing happens...
No problem. Just sent you an FR.
Oh, Yeah, that too!!!
See, at least you know already something goods coming out of this!
You might be full. can you send the FR to me and I can then gift it over to you
I just sent you two versions. One has the gradients removed as I was not happy with the look and is much cleaner
@ Old School.. Just wondering what on your car is Carbon Fiber??? I see you have Carbonetic logo... LOL
@ Monkey how are you suppose to get in that Challenger with the side pipes like that?
through the window, lol, how else.
The drink holder, of course!
And some custom one of a kind rims.
@ Monkey when get out u are going to have one hell of a burn on ur Shin...... Old School Do you need more logo's?
I have more logo's than I can remember...literally.
here's a collab tween me and GGG!!!
[url=]Forza68[/url] by [url=]Oldschoolsmart[/url], on Flickr
Sweet Job guys.....
So after finally getting my paint to a point that I'm really happy with (for this week anyway), I now have applied to it all my event cars. Again, thanks to OldSchool for the missing touch that the concept was lacking.
YOUguys with your simple touches, Grim they look AWWWWESOME ... do you think I could get the LOTUS window banner off of you?
I think you're on to something Ghost!!!
I love visiting this topic.
Some epic work done here
Wish me luck. I entered a photo into the Forza Horizon Honda Civic Photo Contest. I got a voicemail from the marketing firm that's runing the contest informing me that my photo is a semi finalist. Woo Hoo!
I'll be filling out the required docs this weekend so that I have a chance to make it to the finals. If I read the rules correctly five finalists are selected from 20 semi finalists. I'll know in and around the 7th if I made it into the finals.
Here's the photo I submitted.
Awesome work shaggy!!!
Filthymonkey Motorsport presents the RS Mexico.
Nice work Monkey
Updated version RS Mexico
30 second Evora series paint!
[url=]Forza71[/url] by [url=]Oldschoolsmart[/url], on Flickr
[url=]Forza108[/url] by [url=]Oldschoolsmart[/url], on Flickr
[url=]Forza109[/url] by [url=]Oldschoolsmart[/url], on Flickr