Practice Laps
Mon, 08/26/2013 - 09:23
Practice Laps
If you are interested in practicing for an upcoming race and want some live competition F/R me on XBL and i will gladly get into whatever car and race it up. Im not the fastest racer but im not the slowest either. I race clean and smooth hitting perfect turns is what i live for.
So maybe im faster, you can pick up tips on the sections we race together and get thru it faster and vice-versa for me.
The only other racing I do is B500 Muscle Cars with nothing higher than SPORT upgrades which is hilariously good fun in a lobby
what time zone are you in ?
be more than happy to practice for series !
XBL : AMber2green068.
I run afternoons EST and mostly anything.
Im CST and usually on between 4-8pm
3:30 - 6/7pm usually, sometimes later..
Totally interested in doing that.... getting prepared for BTCC, could definitely use some pointers on my line selection. Also need to learn how to pass well (and safe ;) ).
However I'm on PST and normally can't guarantee that I'll be online until 9PM (kids in bed)
FR please Cherry, can practice for any series.......BST TIME ZONE though.