Saturday Night Cruise
Mon, 08/27/2012 - 21:51
Saturday Night Cruise
Just for fun I thought we might have a night of American Muscle.
1947-2000 RWD American Cars only. C-A Class. We might go lower or higher in class depending on who has what.
We will be running American tracks this time around. Forward and Reverse.
Come and go as you please, this is for fun and braggin rights, no points involved.
If you are interested just post up here. If there is enough interest I will try and open a room on Sat. around 8pm cst.
I'm there R/L permitting...I might have a car or two...
I'll drop in for a few for sure....I know I gotta a few cars that fit the bill.
Sounds like this might be a prime time to dust off the A555 Trans Am cars. Who's down?
I think I have a few of those still.
I am in Jimmy!!!! Trying to run as much as I can in my last bit of time before the move.
Thank you to all that showed up and ran. It was great to hear all of the big V8s going into the frst turn.
We started with about 10/12 and had guys coming and going for most of the night. The more guys we had, the more different winners.
Special thanks to Motorhead for running the room when I my xbox froze up.
Sorry I couldn't make the race. I ended up with cmpany last night. I'm glad to hear you guys had fun though.
I had a great time. Lets do it again!
Any pics?
sorry I didn't save any replays , maybe somone else did
I'll have to come a bit better prepared next time.
when are we doing this again?
don't know, Depends on how much interest is shown.
I'm interested...
Me too
Im ready to do this again!
Date and time good Im intrested.
Would be nice to do at least one of these!
If the day and time is the same, I'd be interested too.
Another vote, as long as you don't mind a noob XD.
Ok guys, there will be a Cruise nest Sat. I will put up a official announcement this weekend.
Ooo ooo, I just put together a sweet Corvair! B class.