SCG Legacy Open In Washington DC.

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#1 Tue, 08/07/2012 - 12:46
Shough's picture
Last seen: 9 years 10 months ago
Joined: 05/06/2012 - 10:47

SCG Legacy Open In Washington DC.

Sorry I missed Sunday’s Tournament.

Here is a Tournament report I wrote for my Legacy deck at the Open Event in DC if anybody is interested…



4x Aether Vial



4x Cursecatcher

4x Silvergill Adept

4x Lord of Atlantis

4x Master of the Pearl Trident

4x Merrow Reejerey

3x Coralhelm Commander

3x Phantasmal Image

1x Sower of Temptation



4x Daze

4x Force of Will

1x Dismember


            Basic Lands

12x Island



4x Mutavault

4x Wasteland



4x Submerge

2x Spell Pierce

2x Kira, Great Glass-Spinner

2x Pithing Needle

2x Relic of Progenitus

2x Propaganda

1x Umezawa's Jitte




SCG Legacy Open Washington D.C.


Round 1 - Painter’s Grindstone

(G1) – I swarmed merfolk for the win (G2) – I cast Pithing Needle naming Sensei’s Divining Top to prevent his combo setup and swarmed merfolk for the win.


Round 2 - Esper Blade

We where deck checked this round and I am not sure if my opponent shuffled adequately after the judge gave him his deck back.  (G1) fought through several removal spells but managed to swarm him for the win. (G2) Quick swarm for the win.


Round 3 - Dredge

(G1) – Swarmed quickly for the win with the help of a Phantasmal Image targeting nothing to remove 3 bridges. (G2) – He got 3 bridges in the GY and I could not do anything about it. He swarmed with lots of Zombie tokens for the win (G3) – Very fun game… I got a turn 3 Propaganda resolved and that put the breaks on his swarm. I could not attack into him because his blocks would have created even more tokens. But, He couldn’t do much due to the Propaganda. He said he has 3 outs to it… I countered 2 Natures Claim attempts to kill propaganda, and then with only a few cards remaining in his library he hard cast a 15/15 Grave Troll and took the round.


Round 4 – Maverick

(G1) I got him down to 1 life then by using the life gain from Scavenging Ooze he was able to survive long enough to set up a 12/12 KotR with Mother of Runes to take game 1. (G2) I got manna Screwed and he blew me out quickly. The guy placed 19th at the end of the tournament.


Round 5 – Merfolk

(G1) I took a hand I probably should have mulled. Lost to a bunch of islandwalk folk & Mutavaults (G2) I cast Propaganda turn 3 and resolved it. He got lots of islands to play the Propaganda Tax then he resolved a Jitte which blew me out. We talked a bit after the match and he brought in 3 Jitte on me.



Round 6 - Sneak & Show

(G1) – Quickly swarmed Merfolk and used Phantasmal Image to take out a Griselbrand via the Legend rule. (G2) – He got down a Griselbrand and started drawing, I drew Pithing Needle and named Griselbrand but it was too late. He beat me down. (G3) – Swarmed Merfolk while he struggled to set anything up.


Round 7 - Esper Blade

(G1) – Quickly swarmed Merfolk and fought through the removal for the win. (G2) – I took him down to 6 then he played Snapcaster Mage flashing back Swords to Plowshares on Merrow Reejery and blocked my Mutavault wiping out my remaining creatures. Then he dropped Jace, the Mind Sculptor and started adding counters. Then played Liliana of the Veil on me having no creatures on the board so I scooped. I started to re-board for game 3 and my count was not correct… I counted & counted and could not come up with 15 cards in the SB. Then I seen I did not pull all the SB card out of my box post game and by time we began the game I was over 5 min to SB. He called the judge and I got a warning for slow play and we got a time extension. At first I was a little pissed but then realized there was only 10 min left in the round so, it was probably a good call on his part not to get a draw. The last game ended just like the second…


Round 8 - Esper blade

This was Esper blade with no Jace, TMS and MD 4 Delver. (G1) I got him down to 2 life but he regained board control and took me out with Delver. (G2) I just could not get anything to stick and some hand destruction locked in his win.


Round 9 - Doomsday Maniac

I could not figure out what he was playing I assumed it was Storm Combo. (G1) – Quickly swarmed Merfolk and got him down to 1 then he tried to cast Doomsday but I he could not put together what ever he was doing so I took game 1. (G2) – I took him down to 2 life then he tried doomsday again. This time he did some brainstorming into Sensei’s Divining Top then played Laboratory Maniac with no card in his deck, activated Sensei’s Divining Top for the win. That was a cool combo deck!!! (G3) – I took him down to 3 life, he cast doomsday and could not setup the combo.


123 Place after 9 rounds of Swiss… out of 347 players…

Win Percentage was 53.7978%

Here is a link to the final results…

Here is the o

Wed, 08/08/2012 - 06:54
Jelloman79's picture
Last seen: 10 years 1 month ago
Joined: 09/16/2011 - 23:00

Thanks for the detailed overview of the games shough i wouldn't be able to recall all the matches like that looks like you did good but i know you wanted to do better I saw ricky got 81and u got 123  not bad for 347 players. Sounds like a fun day all around.  

Sun, 08/12/2012 - 08:43
pearly_54's picture
Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
Joined: 01/18/2006 - 23:00

Thanks for sharing.  Very nice.

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