Semi Spoiler: How To Maximize Your Cash

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#1 Tue, 09/24/2013 - 20:36
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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Semi Spoiler: How To Maximize Your Cash

From Reddit user nickonfire9:

How to: Here it is, if you want to be a billionaire in single player, this is what you have to do. First Stock investment: Since you HAVE to do the first lester mission to continue with the story- It is called The Hotel Assassination. BEFORE this mission invest on all of your characters into Betta Pharmaceuticals. then sell when it caps on the market. Second Stock Investment. After the 1st assassination, invest all of your money into AUG Augury Insurance. This stock will rise 100% near the last heist. (this stock rose after the first heist, but before you got your money from it)(I think it has to do with the stolen cars from Devin Westin.) Third stock investment: Now continue with the Lester Assassination missions. Mission called "The Multi Target Assassination" BEFORE this mission invest all of your money on all characters into "DEB - Debonaire" Then sell when it peaks. IMPORTANT 4th investment: Debonaire's competitor, "RWC Redwood" will tank after the mission. Buy this stock after you sell Debonaire stock and wait for it to return to near where it was. this will be about 300% increase on your money. Fifth Stock Investment: "The Vice Assassination" Invest all of your money on all characters into "FRT-Fruit" BEFORE the mission. AGAIN: It's competitor will tank after the mission (FAC-Facade) Sell that when it returns to near normal. Sixth Stock Investment: "The Bus Assassination" IMPORTANT!!! Invest your money into "VAP-Vapid" !!!AFTER!!! The mission. it will tank then return to near normal. Sell it when it peaks. Seventh Stock Investment: "The Construction Assassination" BEFORE mission, buy "GCD-Gold Coast" then sell it when it peaks after the mission. Eighth Stock Investment: "Great Ocean Highway Hitchhiker" You find this guy on the west coast(Great Ocean Highway) in Banham Canyon, right before Chumah. BEFORE you do this, invest all of your stock into "TNK-Tinkle" After he makes it to the airport he will give you a stock tip(which is Tinkle stock) and it will immediately start to rise. This stock peaks at 33% increase and stays there. WARNING: IMPORTANT: After your Tinkle investment, DO NOT "SELL ALL" stocks. you will lose a lot of money. The money cap is 2,147,483,647. INSTEAD-- Sell like how you would buy stock, by holding down the Plus sign button. That way, it will stop when you reach the cap. and you will have stocks left over. if you have questions, feel free to ask. Enjoy!

Wed, 09/25/2013 - 05:52
OutcastB's picture
Last seen: 9 years 3 months ago
Joined: 07/23/2009 - 23:00

Damn. I wish I would have seen this earlier. Thanks for posting.

Fri, 09/27/2013 - 06:20
OutcastB's picture
Last seen: 9 years 3 months ago
Joined: 07/23/2009 - 23:00

My new favorite thing to do is invest every dollar I have in AirEmu, get a fast, a shit ton of sticky bombs, go into the airport place a bomb under the plane... every fucking plane hit the switch and watch them all go up at once. It works even after they take off too, just dont get killed before you blow them up. Buying a hanger will keep you from getting the stink eye from guards but after the planes blow they somehow know you did it and you're at an instant 4 star wanted level, soo I just book it out, or take getting shot, cause even if you do get killed you have no money so it doesn't cost a thing to come back and your stock keeps going up with every plane you take out.

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