Sleeping Dogs anyone?
Sun, 08/05/2012 - 14:39
Sleeping Dogs anyone?
Looking like it'll be my next purchase come release next week. Spoilers in the video, but seeing that it's looking like a cross between GTA and Batman:Arkham City (combat-wise), I'm pretty stoked for it...
I'll have it next week. Looking forward to getting it. Any game that allows you to smash someone's head with a car door deserves my $60.
I hadn't heard about this game til just now. Looks like GTA in Asiantown with a little more badassery thrown in. The potential for awesomness is there, but I'll wait for reviews.
Just got this today. Reviews are favorable!
It's True Crime 3 . Activision killed the project and sold the IP to Square Enix . Square didn't buy the naming rights though which is why it's called Sleeping Dogs and not True Crime <whatever>
Anyway most the reviews are positive . It'll be one ofthose games i won't get to though. I've already got my gaming mapped out from now thru March with april/may reserved for GTA.
After playing it for awhile, I would say its a pretty solid game. The only complaint I have so far is that the camera can get kind of wonky on occasion when driving. Other than that, I'm ejoyin guite a bit!
I picked it up a few days ago & have been playing the living daylights out of it, so far it's a very fun game.
sleeping dogs (PC version) is on sale for $18 at amazon with checkout code SQRLUVOC activates on Steam.