Slim Buyers Beware!

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#1 Tue, 08/16/2016 - 19:20
OldnAchy's picture
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Slim Buyers Beware!

If you are considering buying a new slim and using an elite controller with it, be advised that there are issues using the controller in Destiny.  I have been posting my issues and frustrations with this in another thread but after some experimenting today decided to create a new thread here.  This is what I have experienced to date:

After setting up my new slim, syncing my elite controller with it, and ensuring that I had the latest controller firmware I started playing Destiny and immediately started having problems being kicked back to orbit with the message "You have left your fire team and been returned to orbit" with no error code.  This would happen even if I was running solo! 

Talk about frustrating, especially when raiding.  I started "playing" with permutations of XBOX ONE and controller, including buying a second elite controller to ensure that it wasn't my current one starting to go bad (new one being returned tomorrow) and this is what I came up with (good = works no problem, bad = kicked back to orbit as above):

Slim/Elite Controller 1 -- bad

XBOX ONE Elite/Elite Controller 1 -- good

Slim/(new) Elite Controller 2  -- bad

XBOX ONE Elite/ Elite Controller 2 -- good

Slim/slim controller  --  good

XBOX One Elite/slim controller  -- good

In all of these above tests my network had absolutely NO issues.

These results leave no doubt to me that the Slim and Elite Controller have issues when playing Destiny.  There is no way I can play a game with a configuration that continually kicks me out of game play.

I can't speak for other games but I do know that even Bungie admits that their servers are a little sensitive.

This is a shame since the slim has a real small footprint, including an internal power source and does not run hot like the regular XBOX ONE.  So if you are considering buying a Slim and don't plan to use an elite controller, then go for it, otherwise...who knows how long before this problem is fixed, if ever. 

Wed, 08/17/2016 - 07:51
DarthTabasco's picture
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Wow, that is really strange Achy. Thank you for your investigative work. Sorry for all the trouble, but at least you have found a set-up that will work.

Right now, I don't see the advantages for ME in moving toward a Slim. My TV doesn't support 4k, but even if it did there is basically no support for this medium other than a few streaming shows. Technology and games have a way to go before we'll truly benefit from 4k.

The smaller footprint and internal power source are sweet though. However, with the new Xbox set to come out next year, I don't see the need for me to switch from my current XB1. Plus, the white color would clash with all of my other black

Hopefully Micro$oft will come up with an update to allow you to use your Elite. I know it sucks to have such an expensive piece of hardware you basically can't use because of either an issue with M$ or Bungie or both.

Wed, 08/17/2016 - 10:38
OldnAchy's picture
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Decided to return the slim today.  At some point if the elite controller issue with Destiny is fixed I might go back and buy one, but I am not holding my breath on that one.  The problem probably lies both at M$'s and Bungie's feet.  M$ for the handshake variance and Bungie for not being able to accommodate it.  I am going to report the issue to both but expect no response or the usual clear cache and follow network set up response.

Wed, 08/17/2016 - 11:12
hemihuman's picture
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Probably the right move, but sad nonetheless. Was thinking of getting a slim as a second unit once the cheaper ones come out. I hope the dust settles by then.

Wed, 08/17/2016 - 13:18
Minotaur's picture
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Kinda related.... I bought (special ordered) an Elite controller last October, and the right bumper broke recently. I'm easy on stuff too. Too much trouble to go through warranty. The controller is all plastic inside (no aluminum), and the bumpers hinge differently than those used in the regular controllers. The two R&L bumpers are connected to one another via a spaghetti thin strip of plastic - no hinges or springs. You can google or youtube other examples of the same breakage problem.

The button re-mapping capability didn't work like I expected it to either, so I didn't use the bottom levers. I don't see myself buying another Elite.

Wed, 08/17/2016 - 13:56
OldnAchy's picture
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The main reason I bought the elite controller was to map the thumbstick "push down" functions to the paddles underneath because of my old arthritic fingers.  I can play with a regular controller but it becomes painful after awhile.  The other reason was to be able to set up separate profiles for different games so that when I am playing I am using essentially the same buttons/paddles to take the same actions from game to game.   Makes life a lot easier.

I did post the problem on both the Bungie and XBOX help forums and of course have gotten no response.  In fact XBL is down right now for me.  It must be all my fault...

Mon, 08/22/2016 - 14:54
Minotaur's picture
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After seeing how the bumpers work, I would suggest training your index fingers to press on the very outside of the bumpers - and be gentle with them. 

Tue, 08/23/2016 - 08:26
OldnAchy's picture
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The Slim was returned for a refund.  When M$ or Bungie acknowledges the issue between the slim and elite controller and that it has been fixed, I may reconsider buying another one, but for now I am back to my elite XBONE and elite controller and have had absolutely no problems playing Destiny, not even with the animal farm errors.  

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