Some sweet new changes coming up the pipeline

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#1 Fri, 05/03/2013 - 10:42
KuruptU4Fun1976's picture
Last seen: 9 years 11 months ago
Joined: 10/23/2007 - 23:00

Some sweet new changes coming up the pipeline

Update: SOME numbers, and a target date. Posted Yesterday 05/02

Machine Guns
MGs are getting their damage doubled to 0.08/shell.
MG range is going to be 120m and they will fall off to 0 damage at 240m.
MG Spread will remain unchanged for the moment.

LB10-X has had it's cone of fire reduced by 20%, giving it a bit more focused punch through it's travel space.

LRM speed will be increasing from 100m/s to 120m/s. This equates to about 5-10% more missiles hitting a moving target and it's quite a bit harder to dodge LRMs.

After reading my last post, I think I was smoking something other than a cigarette when I said AC/5 damage would be changing. AC/5 damage is NOT changing. Their range however is increasing from 540m out to 620m.

NARC is going to have its firing distance increased as well as it's duration. This is still undergoing testing and will have numbers for you when they're ready.

Now here's the biggie. BAP is meant to increase your sensor range by amplifying your sensor systems. It allows you to get detail targeting information faster and also allows you to detect nearby shutdown Mechs. Yeah? So?... well...

BAP will now negate ECM within 150m (tuning number) of the enemy. Negate? What 'chu talkin' 'bout Paul?

If Mech X has BAP, and Mech Y has ECM, and Mech X gets within 150m or less of Mech Y, Mech Y loses all effects of ECM. It is a 100% counter to ECM. Mech Y is now vulnerable to LRMs/S-SRMs as long as Mech X stays within 150m. Any friendly Mechs to Mech Y will no longer be shielded until Mech X leaves the 150m area around Mech Y.

ECM is now a long range Mech item. A scout can now use it to remain hidden from LRMs while performing their job. A LRM/command Atlas can rain down death while maintaining LoS on their distant targets without worries of LRMs coming back at them.

ECM is now getting a dedicated hardpoint that works just like AMS. It will be located in a dedicated component such as the right or left torso.

ECM will also no longer mess with friendly IDF markings so you always know who's friend and foe.

Missile Update:
Missiles are coming along. A lot of stuff has been rewritten and we have to test and retune numbers to get them ready to be released back into the live game. So far LRM's are looking really good and SRM's are soon to be addressed as well. As of this writing we're putting the final numbers on LRMs so they'll be ready for large scale testing very soon.

DATE: All of the above is expected to be released in the May 21st patch.

Fri, 05/03/2013 - 11:08
Doomstrike's picture
Last seen: 10 years 5 months ago
Joined: 12/22/2012 - 17:18

those are some sweet changes. Lights will def have a roll again of go fucking hump that dam ecm mech so we can bomb the shit out of em. Which means LRM + light combo will be pretty sweet. I can't wait for this I might actually put some lrms back on my a1

Fri, 05/03/2013 - 12:11
ferretgr's picture
Last seen: 5 years 10 months ago
Joined: 05/24/2011 - 23:00

Sweet changes, I agree!

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