Sunday 9/28
Mon, 09/22/2014 - 18:55
Sunday 9/28
Woot! Do you believe I am GM????? Awwww, it's nice, but I will be at Disney World Sunday. So I have somewhat of an oxymoron for you. Funny.
Silver-Black-Kscope. The rules? Only commons and uncommons that fit the kscope criterea. Any lands that are not rare, and all other cards multi-colored. That's the oxymoron.......
If someone will please volunteer to be GM for me....... Thanks!
yeah yeah i'll do the brackets penni , no problem.
got 82 cards in my deck so far (no lands),so i'll see what i can make of it.
got thirsty from it so i'm going for a nice cold beer.
Is anyone else having trouble getting online with MTGO? It tells me their servers are down. It's about half an hour till tourney time.
Just read this nite , but the servers were up.
It was just parottt , jello and me so we playe a double round robin.
Parottt won so he will post something today he said.
I must say that parottt complained about the lag so perhaps something was wrong overthere.
We need a format for Sunday! I will be able to play since I am here in FL all alonely. During the week I am still having tradesmen traipsing in and out of the house most of the time, and deliveries for furniture and whatnot. But weekends are open so I will be there!