Sunday Jan 12 Tourny Momir/Stonehewer
Wed, 01/08/2014 - 07:13
Sunday Jan 12 Tourny Momir/Stonehewer
OK, we'll go with Momir Basic format with a Stonehewer Giant Avatar thrown in. Should be interesting.
I looked at LordStark's collection and he had a Momir, so I'll just need to get someone to log into that account and trade with me. (I think most of you know I bought his collection a few months ago)
Stonehewer Giant? Will I know how to do this?
It's easy. Start with 60 land cards, plus the Momir Avatar and the Stonehewer Giant Avatar. The giant works on the same principal as Momir...except it plops a random equipment card down with the same CC as the creature that enters play.
same cc or less actually.
Made a deck and tested it and it looks pretty funny.
You need mana to equip arti's wich came of killed critters so that is different.
Stonehewer also lets you have an extra card in hand.
I noticed that you can be pretty unlucky with some arti's.
Looks like fun
Hmmmmm. Sounds like a real mess to me! I'll try it.
I picked up a Stonehewer. Now just need to find a clannie online and trade with myself to get my Momir to my main acct.
Nite, sorry I missed you last night. We had been out for our son's birthday and I logged in when we got back. No one was around so I puttered around the house, and you had come and gone before I got back.
Eh, no problem. I figured that's about what happened. I do it all the time too. Get on and nobodies there so I start surfing the net or making dinner, then come back & realize somebody has been chatting at me for half an hour.
I never had two accounts before but I'm pretty sure there's a way to have both up & running on your computer at the same time. I found this.....
Some things i found out while testing the possibilities of my deck.
>its played in the freeform vanguard format
>critters that can transform do not transform now (cuz its a token i guess)
>living weapons don't equip and come in sepperate(so 2 critters in 1 turn)
>if a critter can't be equiped (protection or so) the equipment comes into play unattached
It can be pretty complicated because every now and then its quite a puzzle putting the right equipment onto the right critter for getting the most effective result.
I hope to play a few interresting games this sunday
Nite - That's cool! I will check it out tonight or tomorrow. I'm finishing my son's bday week tonight at a tavern so it may be tomorrow before I get a chance to try this. It would make consolidating accounts a lot easier!
Fort- I think the games will be more interesting with the Stonehewer than using only Momir. Momir was fun but got a bit boring after a whille since it was only one crit per turn. This will definitely add some variety.