Avatar Picture issue
Mon, 04/01/2013 - 10:29
Avatar Picture issue
1) Be specific: Changed my signature in settings, didn't touch anything else, literally copy/pasted the signature as in times past, and my avatar won't load.
So I said, okay, corrupted, deleted it and tried to load a different one, and no go there either...DriveBye's having the same issue.
2) Don't Thread Jack: Okay...
3) Don't expect fast results. Okay here as well too, but some of the guys really liked my bondage mistress avatar, I'm just saying...
4) Keep up to date on your own posts. Will do, but this kinda seems contrary to 3)...
Appears to be working again!
Avatar pics that show boobs tend to get fixed quicker i guess..... LB was probably all over it as soon as you said it was a bondage girl LOL
You have to see the other guys point of view and motivation...