Chrome Xbox360 controllers announced
Chrome Xbox360 controllers announced
Microsoft announce their 'chrome edition' line of controllers today
EDIT: From Major Nelson
Neat. How much?
I like the all gray one, but am not willing to spend more on it than a regular one.
Neat. How much?
I like the all gray one, but am not willing to spend more on it than a regular one.
Per Major Nelson's blog; The controllers will have an estimated retail price of US $54.99 each and will be available mid-May.
Color availability will vary by region, so please check your local retailer for specific information or visit for more details.
I did a quick search, but apparently my google-fu is weak. LOL
I did find several places where you could buy a shell and just add your own internals from controllers you already have. They were ~$30.
Yeah, there are a ton of purely cosmetic mods you can do with a kit. I went thru a period of thinking about adding all sorts of lit buttons and LEDs inside the 360 case. I just don't care to solder(?) anything or try and troubleshoot how I just screwed everything up
Those after market chrome shells also void your warranty if you care about such things. YOu also need special torx screw drivers to open up your controller so if you don't have a Torx set, add that to the bill if you're going after market.
While MSRP is 54 bucks, you'll find them for 49.99 before long and probably 39-45 bucks in a few months.
Cheetos smears will really show up on those puppies
Cheetos smears will really show up on those puppies
:lol: .... Ya i don't want to worry about polishing my controller after every use. I doubt they come with a microfiber cloth inside the box.
They still have the same shitty single button D pad.
True but at least it's the latest edition of it, the transforming one.
That transforming d-pad is crap, the kids dropped mine once, and it snapped off.
Really wish they came in wired controllers. Yes, I prefer the wired controllers over wireless. No batteries, recharging, switiching battery packs, etc.
Really wish they came in wired controllers. Yes, I prefer the wired controllers over wireless. No batteries, recharging, switiching battery packs, etc.
i prefer the wired controllers too but damned if evertime i hook one up my kid jerks the whole 360 off the shelf.
Am I the only one who took one look at them and thought: vibrator.
Am I the only one who took one look at them and thought: vibrator.
Problably. But then, most of us aren't signed up for daily emails about sales on adult novelty items. So you may be more informed on what a vibrator should look like.
Am I the only one who took one look at them and thought: vibrator.
Problably. But then, most of us aren't signed up for daily emails about sales on adult novelty items. So you may be more informed on what a vibrator should look like.
They aren’t daily. And like I’ve said before, I didn’t sign up. They just started showing up. And I can’t bring myself to unsubscribe.
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If u guys keep talk'in about vibrators, the google ads are gonna change to vibrator ads :lol:
I guess I just dont care enough to go spend more money on a controller just because its chrome.
I preferred the wired controllers until I broke my last one the same way I broke the rest. I can sit back and chill while I play SP but as soon as I start MP, I gotta sit up in the recliner. Usually when I cross/move my legs I drag the wire along for the ride. Enough crashes onto hardwood floors and they're done. I gave up and went wireless. I'm still in the habit of lifting the controller up higher to get clearance, when I move, for wires that aren't there.
that's one thing i like about the razor. it comes with a break-away cable.
it's saved my xbox / controller from hitting the floor several times.
that's one thing i like about the razor. it comes with a break-away cable.
it's saved my xbox / controller from hitting the floor several times.
I really need to use my Razor more often, but my Tritton's chat wire won't fit the controller.
Are they immune to my 10 year old's sticky PBJ fingers? If not, I'm sticking with the cheapest controllers I can find. Darn kids...
Are they immune to my sticky PBJ fingers? If not, I'm sticking with the cheapest controllers I can find.
I really need to use my Razor more often, but my Tritton's chat wire won't fit the controller.
Isn't that stupid when headphone manufacturers use that stupid puck design for the Mice connection? Even Microsoft dumped that design years ago and went with a regular plug with an in-line dongle for the volume and mute. Using the puck makes it incompatible with every controller out there except the Microsoft ones. It's a stupid design decision.
My older Trittons (AXPros) just use a regular ccable, they hadn't gone to the retarded puck, that might have been a Mad Catz decisions.
But my new Turtles use a puck for the wireless chat feature that only works with Microsoft controllers. They also come with a wired cable and you'd thing that would work but it doesn't work with my Datel TurboFire2 controller, it only works i my Microsoft controllers. It's really stupid.
Since that post, I bought a 3.5mm to 2.5mm adapter off of Amazon for $1.30 and free shipping. I just use one of the few 3.5 cables I have laying around. Everything works great now.