Clan Forums Issues
Wed, 02/22/2012 - 10:12
Clan Forums Issues
First, when you click on a clan and then to Forums, it's blank. Nothing is there. The only way I've found to get to a list of the forum is to find a random post on the right side under New Forum Topics.
Second, I shouldn't be able to get into another clan's forum. Unless that was part of the design that I think I heard about a long time ago. It's confusing to see new posts in other clans on your own sidebar.
Third, I am the clan starter on this site and I'm unable to find a way to sticky a topic.
You can get to all clan forums by simply going to the Forums. The link in groups is broken atm but Im aware of the issue.
Latest forum posts will exclude all clan posts
This is wasn't aware of. I'll look into it.
Are we going to have a link to show new clan posts? That's the link I used the most in V2.
Ahh, it's changed. Before I think it was showing all new posts.
There will be a latest group post link on all Group Home pages soon.
Thanks Doodi. I wasn't aware of the change, but now I remember you mentioning about the clan forums. Is it still necessary to keep them fully open to all......? I know you had your reasons you mentioned before, but it's kinda like eavesdropping on a meeting.
They should not be allowed in. What clan forums can you currently see?
I can get into the ones in which someone has posted. I left you responses to your test posts on the 2old2play-OG forum.
That back door is still open.
I think posts are also mysteriously dissappearing.
I posted in PPC last night and when I checked this morning another clannie was posting about him having firsties. My post was nowhere to be found.
Also I read Doodi's blog last night about getting more RAM and when I checked this morning to see if there was an update, the blog entry was blank.
Is it something on my end?
I can no longer get into clan forums, so this is good.
I (and others) can access all clan forums!
Your clan leader needs to create it in the group area then invite you.
So where did all the clans go?????? Can't seem to find ours at all!!!
Will we be getting ANY of the threads from V2 back in our Clan forums? We had LAN signups, who paid, etc. We also had a recruitment thread and a history of staff meeting minutes thread in our staff forum.
if you replace "www" with "legacy" in your old v2 links, you can see the old posts. It's a pain, since none of the link are changed to legacy, you have to do it every time. But it does work if you need old stuff.
However, I can't vouch for how well it works.
No threads will be ported back from the old site. However once this stablizes we WILL have the old V2 up so everyone can read all their old data and save anything they need for thier clan/group. Nothing on V2 is lost and it will be kept indefinately for as long as people still need to refer to it.
only part still broken is no clan starter mod powers (Sticky, edit)
are groups still public? I thought permissions were added, but we just had a random person post in our clan forum...
That was my bad. I wasn't used to paying attention, and I saw an ME3 thread and assumed it was in the public area. Apologies.
Snuphy seems correct tho, I could only SEE and reply/edit my original post in the new topics list after someone had followed my post with theirs. Before that, it was not visable or searcheable immediately after I posted, and I suspected I had accidently posted in an off-limits area.
FWIW, I can currently only see my own clan forum listed in the "Groups" area, but I do see NEW posts from other clans when I get "all new posts" out in the public forums.
Hope this helps, and again, apologies.
This is correct. Past posts that were shared by everyone remained public. You can however delete those posts if need be. Also remember, we're all friends here. If a few of those remain public its only public to the 2o2p community. It wont kill you!
Sorta. There's still an open back door into your clan forum's most recent post. If I understand correctly, Doodi's gonna nail the door shut for awhile.
No worries! I was just curious :)
Now how am I supposed to talk shit behind people's back? You don't really expect me to deal with my problems like a grown-up do you?
All topics in the 2old2playHalo forum have disappeared except for the first one. What's happening here?
When I click the link "You are not authorized to access this page."
still rebuilding. basically its a fix we tried to implement for admins in forums so they could get their stickies working. We;re updating permissions now.
Is this still ongoing? Right now I can edit/sticky/delete only a select few posts in 2old2shoot. Other posts have no option to edit.
So some you can and some you cant? This might be a better way to figure out where the permission prob is coming from. Send me some links via pm of both