Coming back
Coming back
For those that remember me, or even for those that don't...I have been gone for a long time due to having had to sell my consoles a long time ago when I was out of work and needed money for bills.
I recently got my msn account associated with my xbox live account unlocked after having been blocked about a year ago, and will soon be getting a new xbox 360...I have been on Steam here and there, but not a lot.
That being said, I'll be back here on the forums and gaming from time to time. Anyone wants to add me on xbox live, my gamertag is same as my name here...I'll be on there usually on my days off from work. Just let me know you're in 2o2p in a message so i know not to deny your request.
Of course I remember you! How have you been? Glad to hear you've been able to find work.
Ive been good, thx...been working again close to a year now but never really got around to replacing my consoles...recently decided im going to make it a priority to replace the xbox and get some games over time.
I had sold my xbox before Rock Band 3 came out, so thats one of the first games on my list to get even though ill have to get the guitar as well.
Welcome back :)
thx tukker, long time no ya been?
pretty good :) do most of my gaming on the PC now (all of my gaming actually).
Welcome back
Welcome Back fellow lost member
One more day till I get my new Xbox...anyone wanna add me plz do so now :)
Ok so I now have my xbox, with kinect...I got the bundle, so i have the two kinect games that came with it. Only issue is the xbox is used in my room and the room is too small to actually use the kinect. So far I have two games with the xbox, Mortal Kombat and Rock Band 3....but I will be getting more in the future such as Halo 3 and some others.
Plz feel free to add me on Xbox Live, as I am now on there fairly regularly.
I don't know you but hello and welcome back to the gaming world.
Give this a whack for your kinect. I haven't gotten around to buying it yet but my cousin said it's great for a smaller area.
Thx Lou, I sent you a request...
@Rascal...yea i know about that already...just im not really all that interested in the kinect...that just happened to be the only model they had in stock at the time.
I now have a 320G hard drive in my xbox so I was able to re-download all my old Rock Band songs and arcade games I owned before.
Now just need to wait till I have some more money available to spend, and I'll start stocking up on some other games since I have lots of storage space now.
Also need to get more people added to my friends list, since I lost a lot of people long ago when I wasnt on Live for a long time...some ppl stopped using their gamertags, and others just deleted me due to me not being online for so long.
Think my next game purchase will be Halo4