F U Sandy

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#1 Wed, 10/31/2012 - 10:26
xero's picture
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F U Sandy

Hurricane or Tropical Cyclone, whatever the fuck they're calling it now, Sandy wreaked havoc to the Northeast coast. I'm on Long Island my home is fine maybe I should say lucky. Some nieghbors and friends not so much.




My co-worker sent me this photo of Ocean Parkway near Gilgo beach.





Wed, 10/31/2012 - 11:24
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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So how much footage was lost on the right? That looks huge...

Wed, 10/31/2012 - 15:57 (Reply to #2)
xero's picture
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That's maybe a couple hundred yards? Crazy, the dunes are totally gone.

Wed, 10/31/2012 - 12:38
Sherb's picture
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Glad you're ok.

I feel ya.  Last year Irene tore the town I grew up in apart.  And it wasn't even the winds, it was all the rain that was dumped inland, which caused massive flooding.  My parents were lucky, they only had 4-5 feet of water in the basement (pretty much lost everything down there), but the living floor was unaffected.  Thier neighbors whose home was 15' lower down the hill, not so lucky.  There were a few people I knew that lost everything they had in the floods.  It was bad.  Sounds like they were going to get away alright this time though.  Which is good, it's been a year and they are still recovering from it.

Wed, 10/31/2012 - 19:12
wamam87's picture
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that's some CRAZY shit!!!


glad you're all good.

Wed, 10/31/2012 - 20:44
selden007's picture
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Yep I am on long island also and escaped for the most part. With our power still and it will be 10-15 days till we get it back.
Thu, 11/01/2012 - 09:56
xero's picture
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Thanks Wam


Seldon - Lemme guess...you're from Seldon?109 I'm in Syosset. Good to hear you and the home are ok. Yeah I have a feeling I might be another statistic not getting power back for few more days too. I have a power line down in my back yard. Aside from that no damage just a big clean up. Just feel terrible for friends in Seaford and Massapequa.

Thu, 11/01/2012 - 14:23
EVILCLAW's picture
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Anybody hear from Bowlringer? He lives in Hoboken and hasn't been on since 29th.
Thu, 11/01/2012 - 14:58
Lala Calamari's picture
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I live right outside Philly and we got hit.  Nothing major at my house.  We only lost power for a few hours but there are still neighborhoods without any.  Schools been out too, the kids are loving it.  The Jersey shore got hit pretty hard.  My parents have a place in Brigantine (right next to AC).  There was a lot of flooding there but their house was ok.

Thu, 11/01/2012 - 15:13
Disneynut68's picture
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I also live on Long Island and I got lucky the apartment complex that my wife and I live in only lost power for about 12 hours.  Came back on late Tuesday afternoon and it's been on ever since.  We're also in the process of buying a house and on Tuesday we drove past our house and a bif mf'ing tree landed in the front yard but thank God no damage to the house.  It's so scary 5 minutes west of where I am in a town called Mastic Beach it's total devastation.

Thu, 11/01/2012 - 15:42
Snuphy's picture
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The rows of sticks in the sand used to be a 6’ high sand dune.  The fishing pier in the distance used to be longer.  That’s Asbury Park off in the distance.


Not sure where this came from.  I was told it was part of fishing pier visible in the prior pic.  The pier is a mile (or two) away.  I think it’s more likely part of the shoring used around the perimeter of the lake in this pic.  Either way it didn’t belong in the middle of the road.  And the other piece I found shouldn’t have been hanging off of the back bumper of my FiL’s car.


Thu, 11/01/2012 - 22:40
Lala Calamari's picture
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Fucking big business just doesn't get it.  The local LA Fitness by me is charging people 15 bucks for showers (non members).  Seriously?  WTF?  Hell, just for some good rep, you'd think they'd offer it for free.  It would get people into your place and they may actually like it.  Dumbasses, they just don't get it.


We own a daycare.  People have all sorts of problems.  My wife is doing what she can to help.  One family had a tree hit their house and do structual damage.  They're part time, but my wife told them to bring the kids in full time and sort out their issues (no extra cost).  Sure she could charge and make an extra few bucks, but I think she'll earn more by doing the good deed.

Fri, 11/02/2012 - 09:08 (Reply to #12)
wamam87's picture
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Lala Calamari wrote:

Fucking big business just doesn't get it.  The local LA Fitness by me is charging people 15 bucks for showers (non members).  Seriously?  WTF?  Hell, just for some good rep, you'd think they'd offer it for free.  It would get people into your place and they may actually like it.  Dumbasses, they just don't get it.


We own a daycare.  People have all sorts of problems.  My wife is doing what she can to help.  One family had a tree hit their house and do structual damage.  They're part time, but my wife told them to bring the kids in full time and sort out their issues (no extra cost).  Sure she could charge and make an extra few bucks, but I think she'll earn more by doing the good deed.




Fri, 11/02/2012 - 08:31
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Good deeds pay off in ways undreamed of.

Word of mouth advertising itself can be a juggernaut.

Fri, 11/02/2012 - 08:39
Snuphy's picture
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Lala Calamari wrote:
We own a daycare.  People have all sorts of problems.  My wife is doing what she can to help.  One family had a tree hit their house and do structual damage.  They're part time, but my wife told them to bring the kids in full time and sort out their issues (no extra cost).  Sure she could charge and make an extra few bucks, but I think she'll earn more by doing the good deed.

Very cool.  Hopefully you guys are more the norm than LA fitness.

Fri, 11/02/2012 - 13:22
Snuphy's picture
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My inlaws have a house in NJ about 5 blocks off of the Atlantic.  My SiL took some bad advice and ended up alone in the house during Sandy.  She had a very exciting Monday night.  I extracted her Tuesday and brought her and a satchel of red wine back to PA.  She is fine.  I’m afraid the wine is longer with us.

A tree uprooted and came to rest on my inlaws house.  I could see no impact damage to the house, but the weight of the tree was removing some gutter and aluminum fascia.  The trunk made scrap metal out of their grill.  Minor crap.  I could not find any missing shingles or siding from their home like I could see on many others.  Their big problem was water.  Between the really high tide and huge amount of rain runoff, the lake about a block away from house flooded.  The water level exceeded the door handles on their minivan.  It also exceeded the first floor level of the house by a couple inches, just enuf to fill almost all of the home’s footprint with an inch or eight of water.  It got deeper in the detached garage/renter’s quarters out back.  There’s no immediate damage, but the long term effects of having the crawlspace, hardwood floor, kitchen cabinetry, stuff, etc. inundated with water probably won’t be known for some time.  It is a huge f’ing mess.

Most importantly family, friends and neighbors pulled thru unharmed.  Glad to hear it’s the same for so many others.  Good luck to all who are facing clean up.

Fri, 11/02/2012 - 17:12
Full_Tilt_Panic's picture
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Yea, I live just north of Philly now and our area was without power from Mon. up until late last night. Our newly built fence got ripped to shit and some trees were busted up, but nothing too serious or too hard to fix. I'd consider us lucky compared to what's happened in parts of Jersey and on the Island.

Sun, 11/04/2012 - 19:24
Snuphy's picture
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F U looters.

Sun, 11/04/2012 - 19:40 (Reply to #18)
wamam87's picture
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Snuphy wrote:

F U looters.



Mon, 11/05/2012 - 09:44 (Reply to #19)
xero's picture
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wamam87 wrote:

Snuphy wrote:

F U looters.



Mon, 11/05/2012 - 02:04
selden007's picture
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Finally got power back Sunday evening at 8 pm. And promptly sat down for well deserved session of borderlands 2.

Mon, 11/05/2012 - 08:55
xero's picture
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Still no power/heat. It dropped to 50 degrees in my house last night. LIPA came around on Saturday and assessed the downed power line in my backyard. I wish I was home so I could of least talked to them and get some info when they'll be back. Maybe I could of greased them with some coffee or food from the freezer that I either have to grill or throw out if I dont. For now they've neatly caution taped half my yard.108 I was very fortunate but It's starting to be a bit of an effort to stay patient.


Must......stay......calm. Gotta remember I was lucky.

Mon, 11/05/2012 - 09:14
selden007's picture
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I just need the schools to open back up so I can send my son and get back to work...

Mon, 11/05/2012 - 09:14
selden007's picture
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Good luck Xero, If you have enough extension cords you can run them from m,y house.

Mon, 11/05/2012 - 09:39
xero's picture
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Haha! Right on!

Mon, 11/05/2012 - 14:33
TaxiSquad27's picture
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That's all less than a mile from my folks.  Still waiting on power.

Mon, 11/05/2012 - 17:50
xero's picture
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Yeah man...Staten Island is in a lot trouble. Im sorry to hear your parents were so close to that.

Tue, 11/06/2012 - 08:11
Snuphy's picture
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F U Nor'easter

Thu, 11/08/2012 - 08:56 (Reply to #28)
xero's picture
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Snuphy wrote:

F U Nor'easter


got power back on Monday night......its out again...ugh

Tue, 11/06/2012 - 16:45
xero's picture
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Ugh...I know. WTF!!!


Seldon or anyone from Long Island...Does anyone know, under the circumstances. Can we vote outside from where  we're registered to vote? Kinda sucks. Right now I really dont have the gas to take extra trips anywhere. F'n gas shortage!  I've heard you can vote at any voting locations after signing an affidavit or something. Only Presidential vote. Not local.

Tue, 11/06/2012 - 17:26 (Reply to #30)
Zikan's picture
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xero wrote:

Ugh...I know. WTF!!!


Seldon or anyone from Long Island...Does anyone know, under the circumstances. Can we vote outside from where  we're registered to vote? Kinda sucks. Right now I really dont have the gas to take extra trips anywhere. F'n gas shortage!  I've heard you can vote at any voting locations after signing an affidavit or something. Only Presidential vote. Not local.


The state/munincipality can re-schedule their elections for after things get cleaned up.  They don't have any authority over Federal elections, though.  You should be able to vote for Senators and such, too (assuming your area has one up for election).

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