Forum view is squished/menus open
Fri, 06/29/2012 - 08:12
Forum view is squished/menus open
Just started this morning- I tried logging out and back in, but it doesn't matter. I use Firefox.
All drop-down menus along the top are permanently opened, blocking information and links, and the text box part of the forum is squished in the middle, so even this picture I am posting below will be cut in half on my view:
I'm getting the samething as well.
And now it's back to normal!! Another clannie mentioned this happens time to time and then fixes itself... weird, but working better now for me.
Yeah sorry guys, this was do to an upgrade we put in last week and didn't catch it until this morning.
Basically anyone who regularly uses the site (IE me) is served up a cached page of content. Any new person who hits the site has to download everything at once. Because of this we were all blissfully unaware of how broken things were after last weeks update (go team!). When the cache refreshed for us we all got to see the glory of our new NAV OPEN ALL THE TIME NO CONTENT web site.
Sorry it took so long to catch, but it should be all set now.
lol, I love being blissfully unaware!
Thanks for your work on that issue; almost made it without too many of us seeing it!