Hmm and in the actual scheme of things I could cut 25 years off and still qualify to be here...Oh...that's what you were saying...sigh... it's Alzheimers I expect.
Now you non 2O4F folks see what I deal with constantly. Doodi. You wanted folks to come out of the group forums. Don't blame me for these guys. You did it to yourself.
On topic though. I've invested a lot personally in making 2o4f what it is today, but I've never thought of us as independant of the rest of 2o2p as a whole. I'm grateful to Doodi & everyone else whove given my little club a home. Like knight said earlier, we've had guys split off into their own "sub-clubs" if you will. yet they all remain under the 2O4F banner. They don't have their own forums here. They do however have several of their own threads dedicated to whatever they specialize in. Some have goone so far as to create their own forums elsewhere, byut they are still very active The point is this. I'm more than happy to take our forum public if anyone else wants to take a look & see how we do things.
I think a "one group for each game " would ultimately be the best route. &then perhaps one "casual" gaming group representing the combintion of what exists now. I know some of you are going to freak out because I've said that. But it's just an opinion, so take it for what it is. We may be a bit insular, but we are still 2o2p through & through. We will remain that way as long as I have any say in the matter. I'm swithing ISP'/cable providers & the install guy's on his way. I'd love to write more, but I'm about to get cut off temporarily.
One more thing...Perhaps an open discussion podcast might be in order. Try to get folks to come out & talk about it live in a positive way of course.
Also, I'm all for making 2o4f public, but I do need to get with you doodi regarding my admins, despite being set as admins, they can't do anything. If we go public, it would be nice to have them able to help me.
Now you non 2O4F folks see what I deal with constantly. Doodi. You wanted folks to come out of the group forums. Don't blame me for these guys. You did it to yourself.
On topic though. I've invested a lot personally in making 2o4f what it is today, but I've never thought of us as independant of the rest of 2o2p as a whole. I'm grateful to Doodi & everyone else whove given my little club a home. Like knight said earlier, we've had guys split off into their own "sub-clubs" if you will. yet they all remain under the 2O4F banner. They don't have their own forums here. They do however have several of their own threads dedicated to whatever they specialize in. Some have goone so far as to create their own forums elsewhere, byut they are still very active The point is this. I'm more than happy to take our forum public if anyone else wants to take a look & see how we do things.
I think a "one group for each game " would ultimately be the best route. &then perhaps one "casual" gaming group representing the combintion of what exists now. I know some of you are going to freak out because I've said that. But it's just an opinion, so take it for what it is. We may be a bit insular, but we are still 2o2p through & through. We will remain that way as long as I have any say in the matter. I'm swithing ISP'/cable providers & the install guy's on his way. I'd love to write more, but I'm about to get cut off temporarily.
One more thing...Perhaps an open discussion podcast might be in order. Try to get folks to come out & talk about it live in a positive way of course.
Also, I'm all for making 2o4f public, but I do need to get with you doodi regarding my admins, despite being set as admins, they can't do anything. If we go public, it would be nice to have them able to help me.
I couldnt agree more. We wanted to do it this week, but I dont think their is enough time. I would like to do an open forum on Skype though. This way I can discuss my ideas with everyone in a easy format that people can view on twitch to put in their own input. Let figure out a time to talk.
Doodi, Feel free to call me if you've still got my #. I'm always glad to pitch in & help with anything that I can. Or if you just need another sounding board. I think I could probably get my hands on a webcam & mic for a skype session if we were to go that route.
You gotta be careful what you ask might just get more than you bargained for.
Reap, Sow, yadda yadda...
I must concede, that IS an improvement...
I blame all this on Knight.
Your supposed to close the gate behind you fella!!
Well. This is what we get for letting the racing car kids into the general population.
Kids? Knights freakin ANCIENT, in the medieval sense...
you're only as old as you feel? or something like that
marry younger,
you're only as old as who you feel...
Hmm and in the actual scheme of things I could cut 25 years off and still qualify to be here...Oh...that's what you were saying...sigh... it's Alzheimers I expect.
Now you non 2O4F folks see what I deal with constantly. Doodi. You wanted folks to come out of the group forums. Don't blame me for these guys. You did it to yourself.
On topic though. I've invested a lot personally in making 2o4f what it is today, but I've never thought of us as independant of the rest of 2o2p as a whole. I'm grateful to Doodi & everyone else whove given my little club a home. Like knight said earlier, we've had guys split off into their own "sub-clubs" if you will. yet they all remain under the 2O4F banner. They don't have their own forums here. They do however have several of their own threads dedicated to whatever they specialize in. Some have goone so far as to create their own forums elsewhere, byut they are still very active The point is this. I'm more than happy to take our forum public if anyone else wants to take a look & see how we do things.
I think a "one group for each game " would ultimately be the best route. &then perhaps one "casual" gaming group representing the combintion of what exists now. I know some of you are going to freak out because I've said that. But it's just an opinion, so take it for what it is. We may be a bit insular, but we are still 2o2p through & through. We will remain that way as long as I have any say in the matter. I'm swithing ISP'/cable providers & the install guy's on his way. I'd love to write more, but I'm about to get cut off temporarily.
One more thing...Perhaps an open discussion podcast might be in order. Try to get folks to come out & talk about it live in a positive way of course.
Also, I'm all for making 2o4f public, but I do need to get with you doodi regarding my admins, despite being set as admins, they can't do anything. If we go public, it would be nice to have them able to help me.
I couldnt agree more. We wanted to do it this week, but I dont think their is enough time. I would like to do an open forum on Skype though. This way I can discuss my ideas with everyone in a easy format that people can view on twitch to put in their own input. Let figure out a time to talk.
I disagree Cotter, and I'll talk to you elsewhere.
You always have to be contrary don't you oldschool.gif)
J, why the wee little thing?.gif)
Doodi, Feel free to call me if you've still got my #. I'm always glad to pitch in & help with anything that I can. Or if you just need another sounding board. I think I could probably get my hands on a webcam & mic for a skype session if we were to go that route.
Sigh...there goes my happy place..gif)