Games with Gold on XBOX 1?

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#1 Sun, 01/05/2014 - 10:31
Zombie1977's picture
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Games with Gold on XBOX 1?

 Anyone know when this is supposed to start? I want more for my money dammit!

Sun, 01/05/2014 - 11:02
Shadow's picture
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well there are like 20 games out so probably not too soon.

Sun, 01/05/2014 - 15:12
BKVic's picture
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yes, I dont see this starting anytime soon with so few games available...even less that are worth getting.......





Wed, 01/08/2014 - 17:38
TANK's picture
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"Later in 2014" is the official date .  As others have said, it'll be when there's more of a catalog to choose from and probably after the launch games have stopped selling and all the DLC is out for them.


Thu, 01/09/2014 - 00:20
SarcasmoJones's picture
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Killer Instinct is free...but you can only play as one guy unless you drop some cash. There is also a Kinect Sports game that allows players to race a jet ski around a single track for now, but more content, presumably the paid kind, will be available in the near future.

Thu, 01/09/2014 - 10:27 (Reply to #5)
Zombie1977's picture
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SarcasmoJones wrote:

Killer Instinct is free...but you can only play as one guy unless you drop some cash. There is also a Kinect Sports game that allows players to race a jet ski around a single track for now, but more content, presumably the paid kind, will be available in the near future.

 Yeah I downloaded Killer Instinct but it said you wont get any achievements or LB without giving money,I turned it right off. Would rather spend money on a car pack on FM5 for cars weve already bought before...twice! Which is why Ive not done that either!

Sun, 02/02/2014 - 17:26
Zombie1977's picture
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 Hey lucky PS4 owners are getting Outlast for FREE with PS+. While we XBone owners still get nothing,even though we paid ya extra 100 fuckin bucks. All my XBone has done is turn into an expensive paperweight,collecting dust.

Mon, 02/03/2014 - 04:51
clewis199's picture
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You get achievements in the free Killer Instinct 

Mon, 02/03/2014 - 12:38
AngryJason's picture
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as much of an xbox apologist as I am, they really have not given the Games With Gold as good a value proposition as Sony has done with Plus.  

PS4, I can play Don't Starve, Resogun and Contrast for free (and I think some version of Killzone Shadowfall), which is a nice perk, as I probably wouldn't buy any of those games.  Even on the 360, they offer up old games and I haven't yet downloaded a single one.  

I think there is supposed to be an announcement soon - my guess would be Crimson Dragon for free starting in June.  angry

Mon, 02/03/2014 - 14:59
Shadow's picture
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Agreed.  Though the difference of note is once you get the Gold game, it's yours forever whether you let your subscription lapse or not.

Mon, 02/03/2014 - 16:41
Zombie1977's picture
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 Resogun was highly praised by critics and Outlast just seems interesting to me. If M$ made us wait till June for Crimson Dragon I would shit the bed,cant say for certain,but probly the worst selling/rated game for XBone.

Tue, 02/04/2014 - 12:57
OwlRNothing's picture
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Hang on....even though I do agree that PS4 folks have gotten a better deal on "freebies" than Xbox One early adopters - the PS4 doesn't get use of all those games from the PS3 library and when they release new free games on PSN - the PS3 gets 3-6 and the PS4 - just one or two. Usually one. So you Xbox One guys don't feel too bad about it. 


That said, I'm glad I went with the PS4 first - although I'll probably end up with a One eventually, too....

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