Gears beta
Mon, 06/22/2015 - 03:03
Gears beta
Anyone else tried out the beta for the Gears remake? I played a few games last night and it seemed identical to the original - not a good thing I think in 2015.
I cant believe how little hype there is for this - not even a thread on here.
I can do the Beta but won't. Never liked the game.
World of Tanks XB1 will soon take my extra time.
Yeah, I guess if it's all pvp then I won't jump in because I used to get slaughtered.
I'm with you on that one. I loved single player and co-op on Gears. Yeah, beta was MP only.
I loved that game for the Co-Op, that's it. If I still had an Xbox One I'd probably pick it up.
Horde mode was the best!
I was excited to play it....then I actually did. Man was I disappointed. Sure it looks pretty...and there are a few little improvements. But its still Gears 1. There were 2 more games after that, that dramatically improved the gameplay mechanics and all of that.
I'll pick it up and play the campaing & coop. But if I can't find a large group to fill a lobby with for MP....I won't bother other than a few matches to remind me why I quit playing it online.