Google Nexus 7

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#1 Tue, 07/03/2012 - 12:42
HadOne2Many's picture
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Google Nexus 7

Anyone else planning on getting one of these?  I have already preordered.  I am really happy with the Kindle Fire I got recently but what I really wanted was a nice fast Android tablet at a reasonable price.  Then this thing comes along with a set of specs that competely blows away everything else at this price point ($199 for 8GB, $249 for 16GB).

No SD card support or HDMI out, but I have both of these on my phone so no biggie.  I can easily swap files from one Android to another using wifi so basically I have 40GB of external storage in my pocket at all times.  Also there's no rear facing camera, but again I have this on my phone.

Wed, 07/04/2012 - 17:25
TANK's picture
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I'm mildly interested.  Isn't there a way to do HDMI out using some type of adapter? 

Thu, 07/05/2012 - 10:32
TANK's picture
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Here's a Nexus 7 being taken apart


Tue, 07/24/2012 - 15:51
newtizzle's picture
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HadOne2Many wrote:

Anyone else planning on getting one of these?  I have already preordered.  I am really happy with the Kindle Fire I got recently but what I really wanted was a nice fast Android tablet at a reasonable price.  Then this thing comes along with a set of specs that competely blows away everything else at this price point ($199 for 8GB, $249 for 16GB).

No SD card support or HDMI out, but I have both of these on my phone so no biggie.  I can easily swap files from one Android to another using wifi so basically I have 40GB of external storage in my pocket at all times.  Also there's no rear facing camera, but again I have this on my phone.


So they can squeeze 40 gig into a device that fits into your pocket but only 16 gig into something 2 1/2 times the size? Tablets are a rip off. IMO everyone who bought one will /facepalm when they realize it in 2 years.

Tue, 07/24/2012 - 17:01
TANK's picture
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Naa, i disagree.  I believe the current breed of tablets are just a stepping stone to a true evolution in computing deivces.  I view current tablets as nothing but toys.  But that's all gong to change next year when the Surface Pro lights the way for REAL computers coming in the tablet form factor.  It would be the equivilent of Mac OSx coming on some new type of iPad, it's something you can actually do serious computing on.  I can't wait to ditch my notebook for a Surface Pro next year. 


In the mean time i have orderd a Nexus 7 to bridge the gap.  I still would like  small 'companion' device that i can read ebooks, reference manuals and magazines on and surf the internet on something more useful than a cellphone but not as bulky as a laptop.





Sat, 07/28/2012 - 09:41 (Reply to #5)
Marine1Ten's picture
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Yah, I gotta agree on tablets. I put off getting one for years but finally bit the bullet and bought the new iPad w 64 gigs. It has a machine application here on the farm and is the only tablet that does, at this time. Anyway, I have owned the nook, good laptops, etc. and for what I need and with my eye-sight restrictions; it suits me. Looking forward to smartglass uses w Xbox 360.

Thu, 07/26/2012 - 18:50
TANK's picture
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my Nexus 7 finally arrived, i got the 16gb version since there's no SD card support, one of it's 'cons'.  So we'll see how it goes over the next week or so for me to form an opinion on it.  Right now it's all "aaaah  shiney".... 


I did read some blog post from some graphical expert that says the screen isn't setup as well as it could be in the firmware and that colors are washed out.  But from what i've seen on mine so far, i can't detect any color issues at all.  The screen looks awesome.  If this is 'washed out' i can't wait until the fix it lol....



Sun, 07/29/2012 - 11:07 (Reply to #7)
n3rf's picture
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TANK wrote:

I did read some blog post from some graphical expert that says the screen isn't setup as well as it could be in the firmware and that colors are washed out.  But from what i've seen on mine so far, i can't detect any color issues at all.  The screen looks awesome.  If this is 'washed out' i can't wait until the fix it lol....



I've noticed the screen sometimes gets washed out when I watch Hulu and then go to the home screen. I have the calendar widget on there and it's quite noticeable on text. Eventually, it seems to resolve itself. I haven't figured out the triggers for either.
Sat, 07/28/2012 - 17:06
Lala Calamari's picture
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I think Tablets are finally getting their shit right.  I got my wife an iPad 2 64 gb with 3g.  She can not part with the damn thing.  She only uses her laptop for a few business apps (daycare program and payroll), anything else it's the iPad.  And I'd get my mom one if she didn't already have a laptop.  It's all she would need and it's so easy to carry.


I also see tablets taking over business apps.  I work IT at a hospital and this is a Doctor and Nurses dream.  Carry a tablet in a patients room and inpute the necessary info on the fly.  Tables are here to stay.

Sat, 07/28/2012 - 19:15
HadOne2Many's picture
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I got my Nexus 7 last week. I love it. I'm flying out tomorrow morning for a two week working vacation to Hawaii courtesy if the US Navy and it will be my main electronic device while I'm there. I'll still have to bring my NetBook but that's only because of the government sites I'll need to access that require cac cards and windows. I've had to side-load a few apps so far but other than that the nexus 7 has been a pleasure to use. It's fast and pretty and has plenty of console quality games to keep me occupied. Also my PS 3 controller works great on it out of the box.
Sat, 08/04/2012 - 15:11
govnamac's picture
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Well I bit the bullet and bought a 16gb nexus.  I have wanted an Ipad for a while, and couldn't justify nor really afford the price tag.  I got the 16gb nexus with a $25 play store credit and Transformers Dark of the Moon for 281.  I figured I will be travelling a good deal in the next few months, so why not.

Wed, 08/08/2012 - 23:07
Lala Calamari's picture
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Overclock that bitch!


Some Android developers have tinkered with the Jelly Bean-powered Nexus 7, where they've overclocked its NVIDIA Tegra 3-based processor to an astonishing 1.64GHz, where it promptly smashes all other smart devices on the market in benchmarks.


Thu, 08/09/2012 - 09:38
Grex's picture
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its not necessarily the tablet that is the issue.  i think they need more quality applications.  More companies need to see the value in the marker.  its is just starting to take off.  I am with tank and still think they are in the toy phase but it should not be long until they really become a functional tool.  There are a lot of applications where these are beneficial and really with the speed of tech these will be the new laptop.

I am also hoping MS does not screw up Windows 8 as a cross platform os (desktop/tablet) cause as cool as android is Linux just cant seem to get a hold in the corporate world.

Thu, 08/09/2012 - 14:54
JohnnyHustler's picture
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I was going to get a Nexus, but wound up getting a Galaxy Tab 2 8GB 7" tablet.  It has the external SD card slot, and I was able to root it and install 4.1 (Jelly Bean) on it.  It was good with the 4.0 version, but it's awesome with the 4.1.1 version I downloaded.  Runs smooth, and it's a great size for me to take with for meetings - more portable than an iPad, but big enough to make surfing and note taking easier than on a phone.

Thu, 08/09/2012 - 16:14
TANK's picture
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I really like the 7" form factor of the Nexus along with it's angles.  Sure there's other 7" tables but they're pretty boxy.  But ether way a 7" table is just a nice portable size I think, it's big enough so the touch keyboard works properly and you can read pretty well on it but it's light and easy to take with.  And Jelly Bean really finally feels like Android is a polished professional level OS now.



Fri, 08/10/2012 - 10:15
JohnnyHustler's picture
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Other than feeling slightly thicker, I didn't really feel that the Galaxy Tab 2 was too different in the feel of it.  The main thing I'd like about the Nexus is the improved GPU chip.  That has some potential.


Fri, 08/10/2012 - 20:29
pontiff's picture
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How is the integration with the android phones?  I'm a recent convert to the galaxy nexus phone and the tablet is realliy interesting to me as well.

Also, have any google spreadsheets that you've tried on it?  I really need that to ditch my laptop, formulas, etc.  I had an ipad and ipad2 and was consistently disappointed with that aspect.

Fri, 08/10/2012 - 21:15 (Reply to #17)
corbin_dallas's picture
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pontiff wrote:

How is the integration with the android phones?  I'm a recent convert to the galaxy nexus phone and the tablet is realliy interesting to me as well.

Also, have any google spreadsheets that you've tried on it?  I really need that to ditch my laptop, formulas, etc.  I had an ipad and ipad2 and was consistently disappointed with that aspect.


IMO it's seamless. Particulary if you're using Google Docs(Now Google Drive). Personally I love the way Google drive works. I think it's easier to manipulate and edit versus a Dropbox or Box type deal. One caveat though is that editing a spreadsheet on docs is a bit wonky, don't expect excel caliber editing in google docs. It's great for simple updates and calculations but that's about it. If you want to do heavyu editing spreadsheet wise you can download back into excel format to PC or Mac do your edits and re-load on Docs.


As far as tab and phone compatability, anything that's tied to your Google account is on all devices that you sign in with that account on. Edit your Google calendar on your PC the changes are automatically updated on all your devices. I actually think Google does a better job in this capacity than Apple does.


Edited to add that I chose the Galaxy Tab 2 7" over the Nexus 7 as well. While I believe the Nexus to be a fantastic piece of hardware, I couldn't get past the fact that I couldn't expand the memory, that weas a deal breaker on the nexus for me. 

Sat, 08/11/2012 - 16:34 (Reply to #18)
TANK's picture
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I think in device expansion is kind of on the outs. Seems likethr new trend is to connect devices to cloud storage.



But I got the 16gb model so I could fit more stuff in the device.

Sat, 08/11/2012 - 16:47
HadOne2Many's picture
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Well I'm back from my trip and I have to say the Nexus 7 was great to have with me. I didn't even turn on my NetBook the entire time I was gone. Checking email, browsing the net, watching (streaming) movies, using Skype to talk with my family all worked great. If I didn't have wifi I may not have used it as much but honestly unless you're deployed to a war zone you probably are never more than 5 minutes away from a hot spot. Tethering is an option too but using the wifi on my phone drains the battery so much in those situations I'd rather just use it instead of the tablet. I'm looking forward to the windows 8 tablets but until I get one of those this will do nicely

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