Helping with Beta

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#1 Sat, 10/15/2011 - 01:38
badmin's picture
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Helping with Beta

Hello fellow 2o2p's! So who ever thought this day would come? I know I even doubted it for a while, but after 2 years in the making, 2 developers, a shit ton of money, and a lot of my personal time, we finally have a semi working beta!


Over then next couple weeks I want to slowly start moving posts, blogs, news, and finally clan forums over to V3. For now, I just want people to get a feel for the new digs. Use this time to build out your groups (clans), fill in your info, and look around at what the site has to offer.  I've done my best to leave out a lot of features for now in order to focus on the core of 2o2p so we can quickly fix things and add what we want.  So here is a list of stuff you might not see for now...


  • No SCC area
  • No Clan Forums
  • No Tournament Area
  • Limited Clan functionality


These things are totally coming at or near launch, but I don't want to distract the testing with people sitting in clan forums or trying to start tournaments.  I want to make sure the basics work, look good, and are easy to find/use first.  That said, I'm going to need a ton of help from 2o2p.  I need you guys to test anything and everything you see on the site.  The most important stuff is listed below but feel free to give any feedback!


The Feedback we need


1) Access to Areas:  We need to make sure logged in users can get everywhere they need to be.  At the same time, we need to be sure people are not messing with admin or moderater fuctions as well.  So if you seem to be locked out, or granted access to somewhere you shouldnt be, let us know!


2) Log in:  Make sure your log in works.  Most users should be fine in the transfer, but just tell us on 2o2p if you can't get in.  


3) How things look:  There is a lot, and I mean A LOT, of unfinished areas of the site.  We know about most of them, but even so please let us know when things look like shit to you.  If you have browser issues let us know.  NOTE: INTERNET EXPLORER WILL NOT BE SUPPORTED DURING BETA!!!


4) Where things are: There are a ton of new features on the site.  Things like clan wide PM, chat rooms, group pages, member managment, facebook walls, friending, private chats, voting, unlockable ahievments, etc.  We want to know what confuses you and what you can't find!


The Feedback we don't need


1) I hate the site now: We get that old people don't like change.  When we released V2 about 3 years ago people HATED it.  I was told how crappy the new system was and how confusing things were.  Guess what though, you guys addapted and moved on.  The thing is,we cannot go back to the old stuff now.  Instead let's all just agree this new site sucks, and instead make the best of it while working toward hating V4 when it comes out in 2020.  


2) Where is X feature!:  As I said before, my goal with V3 is to limit and dumb down a lot of what V2 had.  The navagation was bloated and didn't serve the fact that most people were either A) in a clan forum, B) in a main forum, or C) on the blogs page.  This time around I wanted to make the home page a better hub for what is going on around 2o2p and that is only going to grow as time goes on.  I'd like to feature a lot more clans and groups by making their news the sites news.  You will probably see more feature sets moving to clans then any other place on the site (as it should be).  So in short, don't worry about new features, they will come.


3) Where are my posts!:  We had to make the choice to lose the posts from V2.  It is not something I'm happy with and not something I settled on lightly.  It is quite possible that in the future I will port over the old forums, but I had to work toward making the new 2o2p the best it could be first.  Don't worry though, your old posts will still live on the old version of the site once we launch.  We did manage to save blogs, news, and other personal info though.


I'm sure there is a lot I'm missing, but it's late and I need sleep.  I know you guys will have a ton of question, but for now I'd like for you all to surf around the site and find things on your own.  Test away.  Welcome to Version 3.



Sat, 10/15/2011 - 04:10
HONORBOUND72's picture
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Sat, 10/15/2011 - 04:43 (Reply to #2)
badmin's picture
Last seen: 8 months 2 weeks ago
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Sat, 10/15/2011 - 05:17 (Reply to #3)
pp2's picture
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Sat, 10/15/2011 - 07:16
Blue_Stiehl's picture
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Fri, 10/21/2011 - 14:13
Shadow's picture
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Where are these things:


chat rooms, facebook walls, private chats, unlockable ahievments

Sat, 11/19/2011 - 08:27
RichardHead's picture
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Thu, 11/24/2011 - 21:39
pythonista's picture
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Was about to post the breadcrumb issue that the poster above me is pointing out.


It only looks that way, so far that I can tell, just after you've posted to the thread, not when you just cruise in to view a thread.

Fri, 11/25/2011 - 14:06
Shadow's picture
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nope, it did that to me just now when going to "first new post"


But Doodi already knows about this issue.

Sun, 12/04/2011 - 11:14
Shadow's picture
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is this ready to pull out of the oven yet?

Thu, 01/05/2012 - 14:06
Shadow's picture
Last seen: 1 year 10 months ago
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So........ another month.  We ready?

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