How long does it take to go 80 miles at 80mph?
Tue, 03/20/2012 - 16:31
How long does it take to go 80 miles at 80mph?
:LOL: I hope she's a good lay because she's got nothing between the ears
LOL .. i cant help but think of South Park when Butters (Professor Chaos) was trying to find something to do and General Disarray kept telling him that "Simpsons did it" - watch the episode here.
If i'ts not on page 1 it's old news and a repost is valid :)
Paging Jessica Simpson!
I do give her a little bit of credit with her complicated math though. She came pretty close with 58 minutes. I have no fucking clue how.
God bless her.
How do people live like this? She should be shot in the face. What's going to happen to her kids? I couldn't even laugh at this because she's sooooooo fucking stupid. it's disappointing. I hate seeing stupidity like this.
Who's dumber, the stupid blonde or the idiot who married her?
This was on my local noon news today. They (female anchors) were laughing that this video got the guy in hot water, and he had to sleep on the couch. Fuck. Her. Fuck the anchors, too. That's bullshit. She can sleep on the couch until she can figure out the math.
Next question: Which weighs more, a pound of feathers or a pound of lead?
Clearly a pound of feathers because, like, you would need more feathers to make up a pound, and then you would need a bigger bag to hold the feathers, and that bigger bag would obviously weigh more since, like, a pound of lead doesn't need a big bag. Also, feathers are way less aerodynamic and I'm sure that has something to do with the weight too.
Ha, this one made me laugh pretty hard, well done.
This marriage cannot last. Either he leaves her for someone or something less a stump. Or she discovers the internetz and finds out the entire world is laughing at her. Either way it is doomed. He should be thankful for that at least.
He's totally safe... there is no way she is going to figure out the internet. I can just imagine all the shit this lucky guy gets away with.
"No honey, getting a BJ from a stripper doesn't count as cheating if my friends get one too"
Not if he keeps disrespecting his wife like this. Good at math or not, it doesn't take a genius to know this is not loving behavior towards your spouse.
Maths is hard. I'm going to go and find out who Kim Kardashian is blowing now and what Snooki (Snooky?) is going to name her spawn.
gotta love society
The moral of the story:
You’ll never win an argument with your wife.
It doesn’t matter if you have the laws of physics on your side.
You’ll never ever EVAR win.
Just accept your fate. And pray for a peacfull death...soon.
Language NSFW:
Hmm one hour and, oh, 10-12 seconds for acceleration from zero to 80...unless we were already moving at 80 when we started the clock/odometer? Takes longer with a blonde in the car, drag coefficient and all you know...wait, are we in a hybrid?
The answer would depend on where the person observing the vehicle was located, as well as the place the vehicle was travelling the eighty miles, wouldn't it?
Obviously she's not the sharpest crayon in the shed, but the actual answer would vary in a real world situation.
Throw in any kind of accelleration and then it becomes almost hopeless to find a perfect answer.
On a related note, I overheard two young girls at a nearby resteraunt table discussing how a millisecond is the smallest unit of time, and that there are sixty of them in one second. I also heard the word "like" used over one hundred times in their conversation. I lost my appetite from that, true story.
In the netherlands, it will take you half a day, because it is impossible to even get to 80mph... And even if you succeed, staying at that speed is suicidal, rofl.
I was married to a fairly intelligent woman for 18 years. After we separated I started dating a blond headed woman who worked at a tanning salon (I decided I wanted a change of pace). I remember going to see her after watching this video and I remember telling her the story assuming she'd understand (variables aside) what conclusion the guy was ultimately trying to reach. Not only did she not give any reasonable response to the question either, I've asked two other women since then and they both didn't give reasonable responses either.
TL;DR - I'm scared Billy. Hold Me.
Women are dumb.
Men are dumber.
She can't answer the question.
He asked someone he knew couldn't and who controls the amount of pussy he has access too.
Go ahead and feel superior if you like.
I think that simply said, shows a lack of character on his part. Clearly, she was trying to answer the question, and I've never advocated making fun of people that are trying, period. I'm not Einstein, but there's a hell of a lot of people worse off than I am, and there's no gain or fame in feeling superior. Get over yourself, and try lending a hand.
Many women simply quit trying in school when it comes to mathemeatics. A lot less these days than in the past to be sure, but they simply don't focus on it, and it seems to be a societal issue, which also seems to be correcting itself "somewhat", but not nearly where it needs to get to.