The Job Market NSFW

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#1 Wed, 05/02/2012 - 22:55
Lou_Keymia's picture
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The Job Market NSFW

FUCK YOU IN YOUR CUNTHOLE! I'm fucking tired of submitting application after application for NOTHING! I feel better now. Who's with me?
Wed, 05/02/2012 - 23:24
badmin's picture
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Finally got work after over a year of looking.  I'm way under paid, but at least I can stop going to interviews only to be led on and eventually told NOPE.  

I feel your pain.  Keep fighting the good fight.


Thu, 05/03/2012 - 02:43
buckeye75's picture
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and here I am short handed, trying to find people worth a fuck.  In fact, we're having a job fair today but I do not have high hopes.  The last three people hired to work for me have quit before the first day was over.

Tue, 05/15/2012 - 13:57 (Reply to #3)
Walladog's picture
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buckeye75 wrote:

and here I am short handed, trying to find people worth a fuck.  In fact, we're having a job fair today but I do not have high hopes.  The last three people hired to work for me have quit before the first day was over.


Damn Buckeye! What industry are you in? The only people I have heard of hiring are government, liquor, and oil!


Oh...well here in Ohio we have some new casino jobs too! :)

Tue, 05/15/2012 - 14:18 (Reply to #4)
B1G_KAHUNER's picture
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Walladog wrote:

buckeye75 wrote:

and here I am short handed, trying to find people worth a fuck.  In fact, we're having a job fair today but I do not have high hopes.  The last three people hired to work for me have quit before the first day was over.


Damn Buckeye! What industry are you in? The only people I have heard of hiring are government, liquor, and oil!


Oh...well here in Ohio we have some new casino jobs too! :)


Here in Florida Ive had the same issue. It took me well over a month to find people for a couple of general accounting positions.


Each time we got in over 300 applications of which only about 10 were worth interviewing and we had to go through that twice before settleing on two people.



Tue, 05/15/2012 - 15:20 (Reply to #5)
buckeye75's picture
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Walladog wrote:

buckeye75 wrote:

and here I am short handed, trying to find people worth a fuck.  In fact, we're having a job fair today but I do not have high hopes.  The last three people hired to work for me have quit before the first day was over.


Damn Buckeye! What industry are you in? The only people I have heard of hiring are government, liquor, and oil!


Oh...well here in Ohio we have some new casino jobs too! :)


I build steel joists for retail stores, schools, govt. buildings, etc.  When the economy went south, a lot of our competitors left the market.  Now we are flooded with work.  It's very physical work and most people just can't do it.  But the biggest problem I have is people not wanting to work as hard as we do.  We have a man eating monster in our shop bathroom.  Countless new guys have left to "go to the bathroom" and never came back.


I don't get it.  Nobody even comes close to paying what we pay for production workers, but it seems that in southern Va., nobody wants to earn it.

Tue, 05/15/2012 - 15:38 (Reply to #6)
Walladog's picture
Last seen: 4 years 2 months ago
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buckeye75 wrote:

Walladog wrote:

buckeye75 wrote:

and here I am short handed, trying to find people worth a fuck.  In fact, we're having a job fair today but I do not have high hopes.  The last three people hired to work for me have quit before the first day was over.


Damn Buckeye! What industry are you in? The only people I have heard of hiring are government, liquor, and oil!


Oh...well here in Ohio we have some new casino jobs too! :)


I build steel joists for retail stores, schools, govt. buildings, etc.  When the economy went south, a lot of our competitors left the market.  Now we are flooded with work.  It's very physical work and most people just can't do it.  But the biggest problem I have is people not wanting to work as hard as we do.  We have a man eating monster in our shop bathroom.  Countless new guys have left to "go to the bathroom" and never came back.


I don't get it.  Nobody even comes close to paying what we pay for production workers, but it seems that in southern Va., nobody wants to earn it.


Damn, I have production people that work in air conditioning all day moving paper and they think they should make $25 an hour.  Maybe I could loan you some....they might come back with a better attitude.

Tue, 05/15/2012 - 15:57 (Reply to #7)
Leviticus78's picture
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buckeye75 wrote:

We have a man eating monster in our shop bathroom.  Countless new guys have left to "go to the bathroom" and never came back.


I don't get it.  Nobody even comes close to paying what we pay for production workers, but it seems that in southern Va., nobody wants to earn it.


LMFAO!!!  I'm stealing that and using it at our shop. We have the same problem here in northern UT. (Thanks Cmoth, I'm flattered but we call them Spud Fucks not Idahoans, lol.)

It's not the pay Buckeye, it's the generation. I'm lucky if I can find a guy who can read a tape measure without hearing the words "big line" or "little lines" or who "goes to the bathroom" after lifting a 20' stick of light gauge tube.

Back on Topic...... We're always looking for someone to work front counter sales or work the yard, pay isn't that great but for a University town it's not that bad. On the other side of the coin cost of living is reasonable and the community is very peaceful as a whole. In the top 5 in the nation per capita for least amount of crime last time I checked.

Tue, 05/15/2012 - 17:09 (Reply to #8)
ekattan's picture
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buckeye75 wrote:
I build steel joists for retail stores, schools, govt. buildings, etc.  



Wed, 05/16/2012 - 02:56 (Reply to #9)
buckeye75's picture
Last seen: 11 years 2 months ago
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ekattan wrote:

buckeye75 wrote:
I build steel joists for retail stores, schools, govt. buildings, etc.  




Fuck those guys.  They tried to push competitors out of the market by selling below steel cost during the downturn.  All they managed to do was get Commercial Metals to sell all their joist shops to us. (New Millennium)

Thu, 05/03/2012 - 05:52
LocGaw's picture
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You know, the accountant said to me the other day, "Well, at least you have a job".

I hate that saying. I have a saying too:

See there is a difference. I actually know how to design, build and maintain things. I have no issues getting a repair job. In fact, I am very good at what I do; well regarded in the industry as being very good at what I do. See, when you can actually fix things and are real good at it, people wil ALWAYS hire you. I come very highly recomended, from so many people. Everyone knows I am loyal and not a job hopper. I would have another job tomorow. That job will pay more and be less stressful. However, there are a million unemployed >>Insert person's job you are hammering on(in this case accountants)<< and I can gaurentee that we could have a dozen people here putting in applications for your position with at least the same if not better qualifications by the end of the week.

I honestly said that to be mean. I hate the guy. /rant off



What are you guys looking for?

Thu, 05/03/2012 - 16:51
TANK's picture
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I feel ya man....  I got laid off in Nov 2008 and didn't find work again until Sept 2011.  I left california right after the Gears 3 beta last year and planned on looking for work in the Seattle area and the Toronto area so i left for about 3 months.  The end result was that I did endup with a job in washington state in a new industry.  I took a major pay hit which is softened a bit by the no state taxes, but I fly back to cali every month because my wife and my house are there, can't sell either in this economy :lol: ...

But I look at the positives, im learning the Gaming (gambling) industry and when gambling becomes legal in the next 2 or 3 years or states themselves legalize it within state boundries, I should be able to use mye xperience and move back to Cali.  I'm using my skills, managing my team, it's all good.  But it's also all just temporary as well.

I saved pretty much every job listing I applied for and I had over 1000 jobs I applied to over the time I was laid off, probably had  50 interviews over those three years and found one job.  It's a total waste of time looking for work . 

Thu, 05/03/2012 - 17:45
Lou_Keymia's picture
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I'm an EMT, but I'm looking anywhere I can. My job pays my bills but that's it; I don't have insurance and I've been without my thyroid medication for almost three years now. I shouldn't be bitching because I have friends that are unemployed, but I'm tired of living like this.
Thu, 05/03/2012 - 18:59
newtizzle's picture
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Good luck to you all. I have been there. I found a job after being out of work for 6 months, but I had to take about a 10 grand pay cut. That hurt. But, I am getting sales experience and I have a easy job and pretty much am my own boss, so its not bad. 


The economy is turning around slowly. I have seen it in sales this year so far and I can tell by the way people have changed about spending their money. Also, we have a few new airplane facilities opening up here in the near future that will hire a few hundred people. Hopefully that will take a nice dent out of the unemployment rate.


But like I said, good luck to you all. I really wish you all the best. Its rough, just keep your chin up and hang on. It will get better.

Thu, 05/03/2012 - 19:40
fatLUNCH's picture
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If you live in the Seattle area and are into tehnology - you might consider looking into contractor positions working at Microsoft.

I have been a contractor for Microsoft for 6+ years now and found the right team that wants to keep me busy.  There are obviously good and bad things about contractor jobs, but i recently looked and saw over 1000 vendor/contractor positions in the Seattle area.  Many of the postions are project managers for the various products Microsoft has to offer.  Others are supporting Microsoft Partners.

There are other cities with MSFT jobs - but Seattle has the most!  I am in Fargo, ND and there are tons of jobs here too.  Wage is DOE!

Send me a PM if you want to know more.

Fri, 05/04/2012 - 05:40
LocGaw's picture
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Hey post up what you are looking for if you are still looking. If someone hears about something they can PM you.

Fri, 05/04/2012 - 10:08
HONORBOUND72's picture
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@Lou Keymia - I feel your pain brother.

Been out of a job since March of 2008 (had an accident and broke my leg in 3 places requiring 2 surgeries and nearly a year of rest, recovery, and rehabilitation). Became officially unemployed in October of 2008 (when my disability ran out). Haven't collected UI since October of 2009 (I thank God every day for my family) so I'm one of those that doesn't get factored into most employment/unemployment statistics that you often see floating out there. You'd think trying to find a job in the Culinary Industry in the SF Bay Area wouldn't be that difficult. You'd be wrong. I have other skills but lack the certifications/degrees that pretty much every employer out here is looking for when hiring. I'd happily move to find a job but I have no money to move because I don't have a job. I have submitted an average of around 20 applications/resumes every week for the last 3 years. Disheartening? Abso-fuckin'-lutely! Given up? Hell, no! But there are days...

Tue, 05/08/2012 - 20:49
Bertt's picture
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unemployed 19 months starting in March 2008, applied for over 175 jobs. I forgot most of the stats, but got a bite on about 20 and went on about 9 or 10 interviews.

definition of irony? was hired by state dept of labor - unemployment division. took a 38% paycut.


My Wife was laid off 1 month ago... here we go again.




Thu, 05/10/2012 - 00:23
CrashX27's picture
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Been a long time since posted on the site.  Been laid of since July last year from IT support positions and things have been tight.  Caught a break of sorts getting aid from TANF here in San Diego.  Been taking classes and tests to get recertified with MS and Cisco. Anything to help pad the resume. Still unemployed, but taking classes and teaching classes keeps me busy.  Teaching MS Office classes for others at TANF to help them get MOS certified. More padding to the resume with continued experience and references. All can do is keep at it and throw as many applications and resumes until one jams in the right eye of an employer.

Thu, 05/10/2012 - 09:32
Kenjamin1 MI's picture
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Lou_Keymia wrote:
FUCK YOU IN YOUR CUNTHOLE! I'm fucking tired of submitting application after application for NOTHING! I feel better now. Who's with me?

I'm with you! - But, Don't Stop Trying!

I was laid off from a nice gig and have had to 'get-by' on freelance and contract assignments. A month here, three months there, any and everything I can do. Somedays it's a bitch. Vent! ...just don't give up.

As of March, I'm job hunting again, SE Michigan is still trying to get on it's feet, but the number and quality of the opportunities are improving slowly. I am with you. Good Luck.


*I'm Seeking: Graphic Production Workflow Management - Production Manager - Agency Producer - Advertising Print and Digital Media - Project Management - Purchasing.

(Brings decades of experience in Local, National and International advertising and marketing production).


Sat, 05/12/2012 - 16:12
Boomer's picture
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Ya that pisses me off too, no wait i'm retired never mind 

Tue, 05/15/2012 - 03:45
cmoth's picture
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I normally don't reveal where I live. Mostly because I hate people (joking) but lately it's kind of hard to hide. I live in Williston, North Dakota right smack dab in the middle of the oil boom. The growth has been very fast and VERY painful. We went from an average population of just under 12,000 to more like 40,000 in just a few years. There are a shit-ton of jobs but almost NO housing. Most people are living in man-camps, RV's (wherever they can park them), hotels, you name it. Thank GOD we had a mild winter. Our winter last year would have killed people.

Finding a job isn't the problem. Being able to afford to live here, THAT'S the problem. Average rent for a small apartment is about $1000 a month. Some houses are being rented out for several thousand a month. Some old shit-head in Watford City to the south of us remodeled his home and rented it out as a multiple occupancy rental for a combined $6000 per month. North Dakota has NO rent control. If I were renting instead of already owning a home, I wouldn't be able to do it.

Before anybody does a comparison based on their area please bear in mind that Williston has almost NOTHING to offer aside from hunting, fishing (not so much since the area is now overpopulated) and bars. The lack of amenities does NOT help the situation any.

While professional service industry jobs (police, fire, medical, etc) really haven't seen the pay increases we'd like, a lot of other lower end service jobs have seen HUGE increases. My 15 year old daughter has been working for Subway for a little over a year now. She makes $12.50 an hour. That's fucking crazy. But, if she had to rent an apartment and raise a kid (wow, that's scary for a dad to think about) it wouldn't be enough.

The local Wal-Mart Super-center is supposed to have something like 400 plus employees to maintain full service. They're making due with under half that.

My department has doubled it's patrol officers. Most of them are from Minnesota. So, once the economy starts to pick up we'll probably lose half the department.

The Hospital is understaffed just like everything else. The school district has twenty plus teaching positions open for the upcoming year.

The majority of people moving into the area are guys just like a lot of you. They don't have prospects for what they WANT to be doing (lots of construction workers and other professionals) and they have had to move away from their families who are still back home in a home that they can't get out of (Thanks predatory lending, you really took care of everybody).

Suicides are up. Fatal car crashes are WAY up (people from Utah and Idaho can NOT fucking drive BtW. Do they even have a licensing process in those states??). Crashes in general, just within city limits is up over 400%. We've had a connection with the murdered school teacher from Montana last year and we just had an attempted murder last week.

I'm from Houston originally so this doesn't sound too bad when I think with a "big-city" brain. But, this place is NOT a big city and does not have the resources to deal with it.

Even the big money jobs are a little misleading. Can you make a shit-load of money here, yes you can. Will you spend almost every waking moment working out in the oil field to earn it? Yes you will. Base pay is in the 30k area but NOBODY works a 40 hour week. 80+ is probably an average work week. shift weeks run from 7 days to 20 days straight. The weather during the winter months are shitty.

I pray every day that the economy improves nationally if for no other reason than to take the pressure off. I wish you guys the best of luck and hope you find something near your families.

Thu, 05/24/2012 - 11:00
bigstorm12's picture
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i was released from my job three years ago. have been looking since then and have been dealing with schedule constraints because my wife works days and i am home with the little ones. i have four interviews in the past six months and all for part time minimum wage jobs and all have ended the same....overquailified and concerns of hiring someone who will leave in a few months when a better job comes along. i had a job call me last thursday for a night stock job and returned the call the same day and didnt hear anything, so i called yesterday and was told that he didnt get my message and filled the job. its been like this for the past three years, left at the mercy of others who cant seem to do the job they have or scarred of what i bring with me in job experience...

Sat, 05/26/2012 - 22:51
cmoth's picture
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"Spud Fucks",  LMAO, that's a riot Leviticus. I will definitely share that one.

The not wanting to work for a living syndrome is one of the reasons why there are always openings at the companies. People come here with the thought of free money and then get hit with the "you have to earn it" problem. They end up bitching about being "lied to" and then trying to find a way to leave. Wish we had the money to help them onto the train.

Mon, 05/28/2012 - 14:47
Bertt's picture
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i didn't know you were so close Cmoth, i'm in Billings. We are feeling a little of the pinch now, but nothing like what you guys have at ground zero. MT unemployment rate has been falling, slow but steady, I think thanks mostly to the boom in your area.


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