The Legacy Of Myst
Tue, 09/24/2013 - 14:03
The Legacy Of Myst
Man, twenty years. Time flies, huh?
Man, twenty years. Time flies, huh?
No, lawnmowers do...
Oh I played tons of myst back in the day, A few months back i dl'd it to my iphone and ipad and occasionally play it, I never did play it through and still have some mysteries that are unsolved so that's something to put on my "to do before I leave this bloody hell hole" list.
Absolutely loved it though.
I really want to like Myst. But I wasn't able to play it when it came out, as I didn't have a PC at home. Once I did, it was pretty old in comparison. One fact I know about it is it helped the adoption of CD-ROMs.
I got it on my iPhone awhile ago, but it's not very intuitive about what you can do, and what you can manipulate - which we are all used to now with modern games. And I don't even mean those that hold your hand - just being able to tell an object can be clicked on would help.
I remember a game that was similar called Deja Vu on the NES. The problem with such games is that if you made it obvious that something could be interacted with, you could just pour over every pixel and not really put any thought into the plot at all; just hunt for that one pixel per screen or so or that one object you're meant to interact with and grind through it.
Wasn't there some spiritual successor to Myst? Some puzzle-type game? Hell, I had it on PC back in the day, way after it was new. The Seventh Guest, I think?
there was the 7th guest and 11th hour, but I don't think those were related to Myst. Then there was Riven, of course.
My god, 20 years? I remember playing this on my 486DX66 and thinking the graphics were so life like. Great game.
Myst was a great game and Riven was the sequel. It was followed by 3 more games in the series. 7th guest and 11th hour were part of a series that was similar in style but completely unrelated to the Myst series.
I really liked Myst though I never finished it. Visually it was quite stunning for it's time and the lack of intuitiveness was part of what made it so compelling for me. It's also partly why I never finished it.
Wow, I forgot about those games, but this is so true. Shadowgate was amazing. I still kind of remember the music and the puzzles with all those damn torches.
games that are hard to play because of interface, especially on purpose, do not interest me. it's like they're trolling you on purpose.
What a downer. Thought they may be reinventing Myst/Riven etc. even though the thread title really didn't suggest this. Parcells would love to see a new Myst game created, I'd even give up racing for a few weeks if need be.