Making posts - Killing delicious animals

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#1 Wed, 08/15/2012 - 19:50
Walladog's picture
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Making posts - Killing delicious animals

In an effort to come out of the clan forum and share with all in off topic...I have decided to share a wonderful experience I had this evening.

No, it wasn't a romantic evening with my wife.  It also wasn't a new Minecraft discovery.  It was...delicious smoked pork rinds.

First, a little primer for those of you who said "eeeewwwww."

We all know that Americans love dead pig.  Dead pig is delicious in all of its various forms.  One part that we don't normally consume though is the skin.  Usually the skin is attached to a thick layer of fat.  The fat is rendered off the skin and sold as lard.  What is left is a piece of deep fried skin.

So why waste this? We don't want the pigs sacrifice to be squandered do we? Almost everywhere in the world where they eat pig, these delicious skin bits are served in some fashion.

Now, those of you that said "eeeeeew" at the mention of pork rinds are probably saying "eeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwww" to me describing it as the fried bits of skin left after rendering lard.

The mere mention conjures up ideas of some grease soaked piece of leather like jerky.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  Because the skin has tons of fat in it, when you render all that fat off, what you are left with has very little fat in it.  It isn't chewy, or greasy.  Pork rinds are more like shrimp crackers, or rice cakes for those of you who don't order take out asian food.

Check out this little blurb from Men's Health Magazine, who said pork rinds are the best snack food to indulge in...


A 1-ounce serving contains zero carbohydrates, 17 grams (g) of protein, and 9 g fat. That's nine times the protein and less fat than you'll find in a serving of carb-packed potato chips. Even better, 43 percent of a pork rind's fat is unsaturated, and most of that is oleic acid—the same healthy fat found in olive oil. Another 13 percent of its fat content is stearic acid, a type of saturated fat that's considered harmless, because it doesn't raise cholesterol levels.

Read more:


So, we established what pork rinds are.  We have established that contrary to what people would assume....they are actually good for you!

It has been quite a few years since I have eaten pork rinds.  I was at the grocery store picking up stuff for dinner and I saw some on an end cap.  You don't often see pork rinds in Ohio, but these were the store brand.  Giant Eagle Smoked Pork Rinds.  I picked up a bag and thought I would live a little.

After dinner I retreated to the mancave and was doing some stuff for work.

I heard a tiny voice.  It kept softly calling, a siren song like a flitting Scottish faerie.  "Eat me", the voice called.

I opened the bag and sampled the bouquet.  Taking a deep whiff with my face in the bag I was rewarded with that salty delicious pig flavor.  As the deep earthy tones of bacon permeated my schnozz I was treated to something new...that sharp bite of smoke.  Just like when I first take the lid off the smoker.  Wow! How they hell did they smoke pork rinds?  Was it liquid smoke flavor?

It can't of been added.  Ingredients on the pack made me smile.  "Ingredients: Pork Rinds, Salt"  Maybe they really smoked them?  I can't ponder it.  It's too much.

I reached into the bag and laid my big bear paws on a tiny rind.  As it cleared the bag I marveled at it's ethereal weight. How could something that feels like a styrofoam peanut contain SO much awesomeness?  I inspected the rind I had selected.  It was the color of spun honey, golden and puckered with millions of little jewel like crackles. I smiled as I was greeted with a bonus.  The chip had a slightly discolored pinkish spot on it.

The spot, was not a spot at all. It used to be a really big stamp, affixed in edible dye to the side of the pig, certifying USDA inspection.  When the fat is rendered the skin shrinks incredibly as it becomes the delicious rind.  This was a grade a eatin' pig.

I opened my mouth and gingerly placed the rind on my tongue.  I held it there for a moment, reminded of the communion wafers I received in church as a kid.  THIS however, was sacredelicious.  The rind literally began to melt on my tongue.

With the first crunch I was sent back to my first pork rind.  A burst of explosive pig a skyrocket in my head, then the drug like rush of salt...then the surprising bite of the smoke as the rind disintegrated into molecules, then atoms, then some otherwordly non-particle based item of pure, unadulterated awesome.

Forget math as a universal language.  Pop one of these in anyones mouth, regardless of race, country, creed or sexual preference....hell...I think space aliens are included...and they will just look at you and smile while their head nods up and down.

I like these.  I like these like John Travolta likes inappropriate massages.

After two or three more, I feel like I have actually transitioned to a higher consciousness.  It's like my taste buds were having a three way with salty, crunchy, and smokey.  Wait, I guess that would be a four way?

I literally had to bitch slap my right hand with my left to keep it out of the bag.  Once I dusted the drug like salty pig powder off my fingers I knew I had to tell someone about this.

So here I am.  An out of body experience with a dead pig.  AWESOME!

If you have Giant Eagle stores in your get a bag.  NOW.  I will wait.

If you DON'T have a Giant Eagle in your area...go to any grocery store, convenience mart, truck stop, black market contraband dealer, etc and get a bag of pork rinds...preferably smoked.

Prepare for awesomeness....Walladog public posting complete.

Wed, 08/15/2012 - 20:09
KnightofRedemption's picture
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Or Pork Scatchings as they are known this side of the pond, staple snack in many Pubs/bars.

Wed, 08/15/2012 - 20:11
BigFish's picture
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I love me some pork rinds! we have a local festival here called pig on the pond, and its a BBQ fest where a bunch of competition vendors come from all over to present and i think compete. Every year there is one vendor who sells a decent sized bag (probably a little smaller than a grocery store bag) of the yummy stuff for $5/bag. They normally have plain, BBQ and Cajun flavors, and I buy all three. I found these out when I started to work out more and looked for different ways to get the protein intake without doing the shake thing. They are super awesome, but one thing I do warn you about, have a glass of something near by, beer, water, beverage, because you will dry out and they'll get caught up in your throat. If you liked them in a bag, grab some freshly made. Try the county fair, i think when I lived in Medina, OH, they did pork rinds at the fair, but I'm not too certain. 


They're awsome, enjoy!

Wed, 08/15/2012 - 20:44
NorthernPlato's picture
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I see your fried pork skin and raise you fried pork fat, preferably salt back fat, a delicious side dish I discovered while in Newfoundland called scrunchions.

Usually served with a variety of fish (cod) dishes, srunchions are delicious!

A recipe including scrunchions:

Wed, 08/15/2012 - 21:17 (Reply to #4)
wamam87's picture
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NorthernPlato wrote:

I see your fried pork skin and raise you fried pork fat, preferably salt back fat, a delicious side dish I discovered while in Newfoundland called scrunchions.

Usually served with a variety of fish (cod) dishes, srunchions are delicious!

A recipe including scrunchions:




a link? what's a link?


you're supposed to make a post that looks like hoodlems painted the great wall of china with graffiti!



















Wed, 08/15/2012 - 21:12
wamam87's picture
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Wed, 08/15/2012 - 21:26
wamam87's picture
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oh yeah...i love pork rinds!


i always thought it was death in a bag, but now i know better.yes

Wed, 08/15/2012 - 22:20
Lou_Keymia's picture
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I'm uneasy about eating pork rinds, they smell like people when you defibrillate them.
Thu, 08/16/2012 - 00:55
Sherb's picture
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Mmmm, haven't had any in a long time.  Gonna have to grab some next time I'm at the store.  

Thu, 08/16/2012 - 06:00
LocGaw's picture
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Ever had cracklins? Same thing as a pork rind but they are crunchier. Either way they are delicious.

I personally like the spicey ones best.

Lou, people also smell like them when you zap them with jumper cables.

Thu, 08/16/2012 - 07:20
Matt Likes Beer's picture
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Spicy pork rinds are great! The spicier the better. NIce Post Walla!

Thu, 08/16/2012 - 07:42
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Have you heard of bacon? smiley

Thu, 08/16/2012 - 08:27
LocGaw's picture
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Yes I have old school. In fact, you can find a post about it in the off topic section. It is an excelent topic. I posted a picture of a bacon wrapped turkey I cooked one year for thanksgiving in the thread.



Thu, 08/16/2012 - 09:04 (Reply to #13)
Sherb's picture
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LocGaw wrote:

Yes I have old school. In fact, you can find a post about it in the off topic section. It is an excelent topic. I posted a picture of a bacon wrapped turkey I cooked one year for thanksgiving in the thread.



Scrumptious.  38

Thu, 08/16/2012 - 09:07 (Reply to #14)
CProRacing's picture
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Sherb wrote:

LocGaw wrote:

Yes I have old school. In fact, you can find a post about it in the off topic section. It is an excellent topic. I posted a picture of a bacon wrapped turkey I cooked one year for thanksgiving in the thread.



Scrumptious.  38


I demand you make me this!!


Also LOVE pork scratching. Especially the hairs on them. yum yum

Thu, 08/16/2012 - 10:31
xero's picture
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Great narrative. I'm vegetarians nightmare and fan of the pork rind. I've seen spicy, salt and vinegar, never smoked. I'll have to keep an eye out for them.

Thu, 08/16/2012 - 11:04
Blue_Stiehl's picture
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I love a good pork rind. For variety, they go good with dips and cream cheese.


If you can find them, give this a try.

Warm and crispy goodness.

Thu, 08/16/2012 - 11:16 (Reply to #17)
GIJoeBob's picture
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Blue_Stiehl wrote:

I love a good pork rind. For variety, they go good with dips and cream cheese.


If you can find them, give this a try.

Warm and crispy goodness.


I second this. Warm out of the microwave they are incredible.

Thu, 08/16/2012 - 11:21 (Reply to #18)
xero's picture
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Blue_Stiehl wrote:

I love a good pork rind. For variety, they go good with dips and cream cheese.


If you can find them, give this a try.

Warm and crispy goodness.

Holy Shit! You do love the Pork Rind! That is something I've never seen in NY. Maybe I can find it online.128

Thu, 08/16/2012 - 11:30 (Reply to #19)
GIJoeBob's picture
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xero wrote:

Blue_Stiehl wrote:

I love a good pork rind. For variety, they go good with dips and cream cheese.


If you can find them, give this a try.

Warm and crispy goodness.

Holy Shit! You do love the Pork Rind! That is something I've never seen in NY. Maybe I can find it online.128

Thu, 08/16/2012 - 11:58 (Reply to #20)
LocGaw's picture
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GIJoeBob wrote:

xero wrote:

Blue_Stiehl wrote:

I love a good pork rind. For variety, they go good with dips and cream cheese.


If you can find them, give this a try.

Warm and crispy goodness.

Holy Shit! You do love the Pork Rind! That is something I've never seen in NY. Maybe I can find it online.128

I must get some of those, never knew they existed. I owe you a trash plate next time you come through upstate NY.

Thu, 08/16/2012 - 11:13
GIJoeBob's picture
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I have had plain, spicy, sea salt and cracked pepper pork skins but I have never heard of smoked.


I must have The Precious!



Thu, 08/16/2012 - 11:45
ekattan's picture
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Pork Rinds are awesome, but true Chicharron can't be beat, it's in a league of its own.  


Thu, 08/16/2012 - 12:53 (Reply to #23)
PaiganBoi's picture
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ekattan wrote:

Pork Rinds are awesome, but true Chicharron can't be beat, it's in a league of its own.  


i havent had this in years. love it.

Mon, 08/20/2012 - 07:51 (Reply to #24)
buckeye75's picture
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PaiganBoi wrote:

ekattan wrote:

Pork Rinds are awesome, but true Chicharron can't be beat, it's in a league of its own.  


i havent had this in years. love it.


Have one with the chop still attached.  It will be the greatest thing that ever happend to you.

Thu, 08/16/2012 - 11:47
CProRacing's picture
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Making me hungry here

Thu, 08/16/2012 - 12:44
badmin's picture
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Thu, 08/16/2012 - 12:50 (Reply to #27)
Walladog's picture
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admin wrote:

I win


WamWam's multiple posts and large text are highly suspicious....but even taking those win.

While I will harbor ideas about a vast conspiracy I cannot argue with the facts.  I owe you $5.

Thu, 08/16/2012 - 13:27 (Reply to #28)
badmin's picture
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Walladog wrote:

WamWam's multiple posts and large text are highly suspicious....but even taking those win.

While I will harbor ideas about a vast conspiracy I cannot argue with the facts.  I owe you $5.


Tomorrow is another day.  Keep hope alive.

Thu, 08/16/2012 - 21:27 (Reply to #29)
wamam87's picture
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admin wrote:

Walladog wrote:

WamWam's multiple posts and large text are highly suspicious....but even taking those win.

While I will harbor ideas about a vast conspiracy I cannot argue with the facts.  I owe you $5.


Tomorrow is another day.  Keep hope alive.


walla, the lights aren't out. it just seems like that because you have your head...


how did that go billy?











Fri, 08/17/2012 - 13:10 (Reply to #30)
Walladog's picture
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wamam87 wrote:

admin wrote:

Walladog wrote:

WamWam's multiple posts and large text are highly suspicious....but even taking those win.

While I will harbor ideas about a vast conspiracy I cannot argue with the facts.  I owe you $5.


Tomorrow is another day.  Keep hope alive.


walla, the lights aren't out. it just seems like that because you have your head...


how did that go billy?












Bizarro Australian WamWam?


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